Don’t Be Afraid To Let Someone Fall In Love With You

Twenty20 / @the_brookedavis

The downside of becoming so good at being alone is that you no longer notice the people who show genuine affection towards you.

The love that you’re giving to yourself is already enough and you’re convinced that you don’t need any kind of flattery anymore. You don’t need another person to tell you how amazing you are.

You have found comfort in your own space, in your own world, in your own self-love. You forget that someone out there wishes to play a major part in your life. You unconsciously ignore that someone in your social circle finds you endearing.

You become so great at being self-sufficient that you’re not sure, anymore, if you want to let someone take good care of you.

But try to give them a chance.

Try to welcome them in your life, even though you’re confident that you can survive without them. Allow someone to show you how you deserve to be treated. Someone who makes you feel the kind of love that moves mountains and oceans. Someone who wants to protect you at all costs.

Allow yourself to fall in love with someone who patiently convinces you that you don’t have to face everything in this life alone. It’s okay to not be strong all the time. There’s nothing wrong to ask for help. It doesn’t make you weak to let someone take your hands and guide you.

Give someone the opportunity to prove to you that they’re different from the ones who broke your heart. They aren’t going to run away from you when they find a better option. They aren’t going to hurt you, make you cry, make you feel more alone.

They aren’t going to risk playing with your feelings because they’re afraid to lose you. They’re afraid to waste the only one chance that you’re going to give to them. They’re afraid that one day, they will regret letting you go.

Allow someone to make you feel vulnerable again. Allow yourself to be soft, to be gentle, to be trusting. Let yourself open up to someone who’s dying to get to know you.

Give someone the permission to handle your heart with care. Someone who’s excited to discover every single piece of you. Someone who can’t get enough of you and wants to spend more time with you.

Allow yourself to fall in love with someone who wants all the best for you. Someone who wants to take the responsibility of taking good care of you because you are precious to them. You are the one who can make them smile so easily. You are the one who brings light to their lives.

Take a chance on love. Take the biggest leap. Take the riskiest option. It’s better to fail in love than not to experience love at all.

Give someone the chance to love the beautiful soul that’s living inside of you. Give yourself the chance to accept the care and affection that are being offered to you. Give the world another chance to provide you with someone you’re going to fall in love with.

You don’t have to live and explore the world on your own. You don’t have to show everyone that you’re strong all the time. Allow yourself to fall in love again.

And let yourself experience how wonderful life is, when you spend it with the person that you truly love. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Angelo Caerlang

Angelo Caerlang is the author of Sparks in Broken Lights.

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