How It Feels To Be Single

Duong Tran Quoc
Duong Tran Quoc

It sucks to be single, especially when everyone in your group of friends is already taken, and you can’t help but feel like you’re way behind in love department, or life in general. It’s upsetting when the world thinks it’s funny to put walking love birds in front of your eyes wherever you go, and you can’t help but look the other way because the view only triggers your loneliness. It’s depressing whenever you scroll through your social media during the times that you’re so tired and you can’t help but come across with photographs that have captions, ‘#RelationshipGoals.’

But isn’t that the wrong way of celebrating your single status?

Your singleness isn’t supposed to be sad, and gloomy, and full of misery. Nor should it be the kind of journey you want to avoid.

To be single is to be able to read a book at a coffee shop for hours without feeling conscious about not having company. To travel in different places by yourself, learn perspectives in life outside of your own comfort zone, discover how beautiful the world is with no one on your side, and to not feel lonely when you’re stuck at airports waiting for your next flight. To run for seven miles a week, or join yoga classes, or take muay-Thai exercises, or simply hit the gym to be fit for yourself. And only yourself.

To be single is to come home to your apartment and be content with the silence of empty space after a long day. In your company, you can have the luxury to sleep on any side of the bed or chat with any person you want to talk to without considering anyone’s restrictions. Without commitment, you have the privilege of watching your kind of movie, listening to your type of music, eating your favorite food, and doing anything you want. Just because you can.

To be single is being able to attain success without having to worry about impressing someone special, only for the people that love you.

To be single is doing insane things such as singing loudly and off-key at a karaoke bar, and not be stressed out whether you’re turning someone off. Dancing like crazy and off-beat at a friend’s party, and not caring if you’re making someone think twice about you. Dressing the way you want to in a social event and not feeling pressured about giving a wrong impression.

You see, being single is often linked to not being good enough for someone else. But being single is the perfect opportunity for you to improve yourself, to discover your passions in life, to find out the reason for the beating of your heart, and to know who you are.

Do not be scared to overcome your loneliness. Be great at carrying yourself. Forget about the danger of getting ‘good’ at being single. Instead, listen to “Love Myself” by Hailee Steinfeld repeatedly, and lift your spirits.

Because to be single is to cherish and enjoy your company. To be single is to celebrate the love and respect for yourself.

To be single is to prepare you to become the lovable person for the right one that is truly meant for you. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Angelo Caerlang

Angelo Caerlang is the author of Sparks in Broken Lights.

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