Be The Kind Of Person Who Loves Enthusiastically

Inna Lesyk
Inna Lesyk

Be the person who loves with no fears, no reservations. Date someone, even if they are not right up your alley and give them a chance to show you how much you matter to them. Be the kind of person who’s not afraid to tell anyone your history, your past that maybe didn’t turn out so well than you expected. Don’t be ashamed about the wrong turns you took in life because they have only made you become a better version of yourself.

Be the kind of person who loves positively despite the disappointments you harbored in your previous relationships, despite the unrequited romance that humiliated you, and despite the cold lonely nights that almost drove you to believe that you would never find love.

You will because love is everywhere. You just have to open up your heart.

Be the kind of person who gives unconditional love to your friends and family because you know that at the end of the day your heart belongs to the people who love you just the way you are, no matter how crazy and unpredictable you can be sometimes. Be the kind of person who appreciates the little things that people do to you, the person who says “Thank you” a lot and truly means it, even if you have said it a hundred times. Because saying “Thank you” is your tiny way of showing you’re glad that they are part of your life.

Be the kind of person who’s quick to apologize because in that sweet soul of yours lives someone who can’t sleep at night without making sure that he or she is at peace with everybody. Be the kind of person who loves to give time to everyone who’s close to your heart because you know that the best gift you can share to them is something that money can’t buy.

Be the kind of person who’s enthusiastic in finding the beauty of this world. Be the person who admires the people who worked hard to make buildings shine with a million burning lights in the middle of the night; the person who smiles with joy as you feel the cool wind brush against your skin; the person who finds happiness in serendipitous moments that life brings to you.

Be the kind of person who doesn’t hold back. The one who freely gives compliments. It’s okay if people criticize you for being always honest with what you feel and not keeping things to yourself, because you believe that good vibes should always be shared to the world. Be the kind of person who loves to tell kind things to people to make them happy, to inspire them to do more, and to let them know that they are on the right path.

Be the kind of person who loves loudly, enthusiastically, and boldly, because love isn’t supposed to be kept hidden.

It’s supposed to be told out in the open, announced to the world. Love is something to be proud of; it is the greatest thing we can all attain in life. Tell everyone who means so much to you that you love them. Laugh loudly if you hear something truly funny, and don’t be ashamed about it. Smile as much as you can because there are so many incredible things to be happy about.

Be the kind of person who looks at the world with amazement, as if you see the world through the eyes of a third grader; as if you’re always in awe of the grandeur of the place we all live in.

Be the kind of person who lives fiercely; the person who has a vibrant personality. Be the kind of person who ignores negativity and instead focuses on finding the benefit of being different.

Life is so beautiful not to be acknowledged and appreciated.
Life is too short not be enthusiastic and excited.

Be the kind of person who lives life with a big heart, with a wide grin, with a chin-up, and with no holding back. And be the person who’s proud to live a life that you love. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

About the author

Angelo Caerlang

Angelo Caerlang is the author of Sparks in Broken Lights.

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