12 Confusing Contradictions About Introverts
Andrea Davis

1. Being super private yet dying to share what’s on your mind with others. An introvert is usually a very private person and they don’t reveal many things about their personal life with others. But, deep down they really are just waiting for somebody to ask them questions pertaining to life.
2. Projecting a calm exterior while completely falling apart on the inside. You’re great at hiding your feelings from others. It’s hard for anyone to read what you’re thinking. You put on an act as if everything is just fine when really, you’re entire world is running haywire.
3. Wanting to stay home alone, yet wanting to go out and be the life of the party. You love having your alone time and personal space. So, a quiet Friday night at home is ultimately your idea of a perfect night. But, you often dream of being out and about in crowds of people. When the opportunity arises to do that, you quickly snap out of lala land and retreat back into your shell.
4. Being known as the fun, crazy one when you’re around close friends, but being known as the shy and quiet one when you’re around strangers. And really that’s because only a select few know your true, raw personality.
5. Wanting to hang out with your significant other or friend in the same room but not wanting to actually be social with them. You’ve had enough social interaction for the day and want some peace and quiet but still want them to be in your vicinity.
6. Being absolutely hysterical and clever while texting or messaging someone online but super awkward and skittish when meeting in real life.
7. Having so many deep thoughts you want to share but never knowing how to say them out loud. Very few people can understand the thoughts in your head, because TBH sometimes you can’t even understand them yourself.
8. Knowing the answer to a question the teacher asked but you wouldn’t be caught dead actually raising your hand. The thought of everyone looking at you while you speak is not only terrifying, it’s unthinkable.
9. Wanting to do everything solo so you don’t have to deal with people, but still not wanting to be lonely. You are perfectly content doing things on your own, but sometimes you get lonely. Loneliness will strike out of the blue. And although you choose to do things by yourself, sometimes all you crave is the company from another person.
10.Wanting to be consoled when you’re upset but wanting to be left the hell alone at the same time. You like the idea that people are there for you in times of need, but want them to comfort you from afar.
11. Craving deep, profound connections with others, but always finding it difficult to actually open up to them. You’re someone who wants to make connections that are meaningful, but you can’t seem to give that part of yourself away to someone else.
12. You love being spontaneous but secretly have the need to plan everything out first. Being free spirited may be in your blood, but you still have the desire to plan things out before making moves. That means staying in control while simultaneously allowing the universe guide your way.