Amanda Van Slyke

Writes about sex, disability and relationships. @amandakvanslyke
Articles by
Amanda Van Slyke
Read This If You’ve Ever Been Called A ‘Difficult Woman’
I’ve always been seen as difficult — even from the beginning. And I’m sick of being expected by society to bow my head and be quiet.
I Temporarily Lost Feeing In My Clit (It’s A Problem More Common Than You Think)
When my partner and I were intimate, things turned to slow motion — and not the good kind. I couldn’t get into sex if my body wouldn’t respond accordingly. Before, it would barely take anything to make me aroused. I wanted it all the time. Now, getting wet took a lot longer, and having an orgasm was almost impossible and not nearly as enjoyable.
You Are Worth More Than How Productive You Were Today
What if we didn’t have to work our way up the ladder or get more likes on social media or have the newest product advertised?
How I’ve Learned To Put Less Pressure On The Relationships In My Life
This has helped me to lose all expectations of my relationships with other people — people I work with, my friends, my lovers. Not in a way where I don’t have needs that have to be met, but where I’ve come to realize that different people will meet my needs in different ways.
Here’s Everything I Learned From Being In A Sexless Relationship
If I were you right now, I’d be wondering why the hell I stayed for two years. But just like every relationship out there, there were both good and bad parts.