6 Legitimate Reasons You Need A Redhead In Your Romantic Life

Yes, we're all about getting our redheaded brothers and sisters the love and appreciation they deserve, because let's face it: they're simply lovely.


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iStockPhoto.com / Ondine32
iStockPhoto.com / Ondine32

Yes, we’re all about getting our redheaded brothers and sisters the love and appreciation they deserve, because let’s face it: they’re simply lovely. And also, according to New York Fashion week, they’re trendy.

Their unique beauty (freckles!) aside, here are some other reasons why you should give a ginger gal a chance.

1. They’re rare.

If you’re into having an exotic lady on your arm, then a redhead is for you. While they may not be as rare as, say, unicorns, since natural redheads only make up “just over 0.5 percent” of the population. That’s one in every 200 people! Is that rare enough for you?

2. They’re delicate little flowers.

Are you looking to be some sort of Prince Charming that comes in on a horse to save your beloved from the horrors of the world? Then go red. Studies have found that redheads experience pain very differently from the rest of us, and are more susceptible to certain ailments.

Not only are they more sensitive to the cold, and suffer more toothaches (of all things), but they run a greater risk of getting sclerosis and endometriosis at some point in their lives. But yet they can handle stinging to the skin more than non-redheads and need more anesthesia so they won’t feel pain during medical procedure. Go figure.

3. They orgasm more.

If you want to feel like you know exactly what you’re doing in the bedroom at all times, then a redhead is the way to go. As we covered, redheads have a 41 percent orgasm rate. The rest of us aren’t so lucky. Redheads also have more sex.

4. They smell better.

Anyone who’s dated a redhead is bound to comment on their distinctive smell; it’s a smell that’s far stronger than a woman who does not have natural red hair. The reason for this is that, similar to other animals that flaunt their goods, redheads are here to lure us in to their clutches and makes us theirs forever. That smell has been compared to “amber and violets” and is noted as being “civet” in its scent.
Hello, pheromone overdrive!

5. They make more Vitamin D.

If you’re concerned about falling for a women who will eventually break — you know, because this might be a legit concern — then you can up your chances of avoiding that. Redheads have notoriously strong bones thanks to the fact that they can make lots of Vitamin D without as much light unlike us blondes and brunettes out there.

6. They turn into vampires when they die.

Are you one of the many vampire-obsessed people of the world? Perhaps, you have the entire Twilight series memorized? If that’s the case, then keep dreaming.

Although the ancient Greeks believed that redheads became vampires when they died, it doesn’t appear to be true. Or maybe it is, but the power of the redhead is so strong that their secret will be safe forever. Only one way to find out — take them out on a date! Thought Catalog Logo Mark

This post originally appeared at YourTango.

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About the author

Amanda Chatel

Amanda is a freelance writer for YourTango who divides her time between NYC and Paris She has been published in The Atlantic, Forbes, LearnVest, xoJane, Huffington Post, and many others. Her greatest dream is to win a cheesecake eating contest while holding a baby panda.

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