To My Best Friends: Thank You For Being My Home

Thank you for being a safe place for me to turn to. I know that with you, I have nothing to hide. You bring me peace and warmth like my own home. Thank you for taking the time to listen to me. Thank you for doing your best to understand me, even when it becomes extremely difficult.
Thank you for being there, even when we’re apart. Thank you for checking up on me through text, phone call or FaceTime. Thank you for always loving me the same even if at some point, we lost connection.
Thank you for loving me even when I go after that guy you told me not to. You’re the first person I go crying to after and you never love me any different. You make me laugh about the time that has past and remind me to keep my head up.
Thank you for being my upper hand. You always support my ambitions and reassure me – even when I struggle to believe in myself. You encourage me to aim for the stars, even if that meant we would have to be apart.
Thank you for being my personal bodyguard. You’re ready to face every obstacle with me and to call all the nonsense out of my way. You make sure my pathway is clear of anything that isn’t beneficial for me. Thank you for being aware. Thank you for caring about me.
Thank you for loving me through all my crazy, stupid antics (and joining me through them!) You love me even when I embarrass you. You take the extra shot with me. You share the energy with me. We carry the funniest, most illogical stories in our memories together. Thank you for never making me feel alone or embarrassed of who I am.
Thank you for being there for me no matter what. Especially when I feel I am slipping, or I do something regretful – you remind me to be unapologetic. Thank you for installing that confidence in me. Thank you for reminding me of my strength.
Thank you for being so selfless. You never look at the time you put away for me as an inconvenience. I can never repay you for the extra support that you give me.
Thank you for being there for me through the good, bad and ugly days. No matter what the situation may be, you aren’t afraid to face the situation with me. Sometimes I try to push you away, but you stay put. Thank you for never giving up on me.
Thank you for growing with me. It has been a privilege being able to call you a best friend. I would not be the person that I am today without you.