10 Creepy Museums You Can Actually Visit
Ali Hinman
When planning a day trip, there are many possibilities. There are picnics in parks, stores to go shopping, or hiking in the woods. But none of those pack in the gritty and gruesome attractions that some of us are looking for. However, there are museums all over the country that are creative, creepy, and c-ready for you to visit.
1. The Mütter Museum – Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

The Mütter Museum is a collection of bizarre bodily exhibits. There is a wall of skulls, jars of fetuses, and a massive colon just to name a few highlights. Dr. Thomas Mütter donated his studies in 1858 in order to exhibit the study of disease and its treatment over time. It’s perfect for those interested in the medically grotesque.
2. Lizzie Borden Bed and Breakfast – Fall River, Massachusetts
Visit the site of an 128-year-old cold case. In 1892, Lizzie Borden may or may not have axed her father and step-mother (but people are pretty sure she did). Not only can you tour the crime scene, but you can even stay there overnight. It is decorated exactly the same as it was in 1892 with a few additional crime scene photos.
3. Museum of Cryptozoology – Portland, Maine
Cryptozoology means “the study of hidden animals.” So think Loch Ness Monster, Bigfoot, the Abominable Snowman, etc. Anything that has yet to be proven true but is believed to be. They also have models of some crazy creatures that have been found like a megamouth shark and the okapi, which is a half-giraffe-half-zebra hybrid.
4. Glore Psychiatric Museum – St. Joseph, Missouri

This museum was originally inside a prison which used to be an insane asylum but has since been moved to right outside the gates. The exhibits display creepy mannequins demonstrating the antiquated and horrifying techniques used to treat mental health patients. Additionally, exhibits feature 1000+ things swallowed by a patient during her stay as well as paintings and other artistic projects done by patients.
5. Vent Haven Museum – Fort Mitchell, Kentucky
Vent Haven Museum is a museum of ventriloquy. It has all the creepy moving and talking dolls your heart desires. It’s a whole building of lifeless eyes that are always following you. Fun!
6. Museum of Osteology – Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Osteology is the study of bones, so you can kind of picture what you would be dealing with here: tons of skeletons. Human skeletons, bird skeletons, reptile skeletons, etc. There are about 300 skeletons in total (that’s about 300 more skeletons than any person should be standing in a room with).
7. National Museum of Funeral History – Houston, Texas
If mortality intrigues you, this is the place to go. It features different types of coffins and hearses as well as “burial rites through the ages.” A light-hearted affair.
8. New Orleans Pharmacy Museum – New Orleans, Louisiana

Remember when they used to give cocaine as medicine? Well, I mean, we weren’t there for that. But you know how they did that? Well, that’s just the tip of the iceberg at the New Orleans Pharmacy Museum. The have leeches and opioid-soaked tampons and everything in between. Unfortunately, there are no free samples.
9. Museum of Shadows – Plattsmouth, Nebraska
The Museum of Shadows is known as one of the most haunted museums in the nation due to, well, its collection of over 1000 haunted items. Visitors have a myriad of paranormal experiences, and if just looking at the items is not enough, the museum also hosts a ghost hunting. They’re probably not that hard to find just based on, again, the 1000+ haunted items.
10. Museum of Death – Los Angeles, California
This one does not need much explaining. It promises death and dying, and that’s what it delivers. It also supposedly has the largest collection of artwork done by serial killers. Serial killers like to paint too? They’re just like us!