Alexia LaFata
Articles by
Alexia LaFata
The #1 Life Skill Anyone Can Access Easily
“Instead of thinking of every one of your qualities as fixed, consider that your environment and the structure of your day evoke different emotional states and, with consistency, can begin to appear on the surface as unmovable aspects of who…
Here’s How You Know When You’re Ready To Say, “I Love You.”
You won’t miss it.
10 Reasons Why Texting Is Awful For Society And Ruining It Too
Something awful has happened to teenagers and young adults everywhere.
The Most Important Quality You Will Ever Have In Your Life Is Being Open-Minded
One day, you might (no – you likely will) enter a world that forces you to question many things you’ve come to know throughout your life.
12 Types Of People You Snapchat
Since it takes about .01% of our brain cells to send a Snapchat, it has become the ultimate cop-out when it comes to communication.