[old version]

10 Websites Only 90s Kids Remember

Let's be nostalgic today!


1. Iconator [now defunct] [now defunct]

Doll icons? LAME. Real photography with the tiny, pixelated letters that spelled either a deep, inspirational quote or your name? Definitely cool. It was an unwritten rule that you had to change your buddy icon every few days, and don’t you DARE think about stealing someone else’s icon. Not cool. Not only did Iconator have icons, but away messages as well. Hey %n, stop creeping on my away!!!

2. Sub-Profile [now defunct] [now defunct]

Just because the given 4,000 characters or what not was simply not enough space to list all of your BFFs and inside jokes, so you needed a bigger outlet. Sub-profiles meant making sure each BFF had their own page, with a huge paragraph about why you loved them followed by tons of stupid inside jokes that no one else understood or cared about.

3. Buddy4u [now defunct] [now defunct]

Buddy4u was AIM profile paradise. If you were OCD like me, you would spend hours finding the perfect quote with the perfect fade colors. Once those were found, you had to align each line to be a perfect box (you know EXACTLY what I’m talking about) by bolding, underlining and italicizing unnecessary letters. Not only was Buddy4u perfect for AIM, but the blogs under the “advice” tag were always full of the sex advice you were too embarrassed to ask anyone else.

4. Neopets]

Let’s all have a moment of silence for those pets who are starving to death because we haven’t logged on to feed them in 12 years.

5. MySpace [old version] [old version]

Ah yes. Back before Twitter and Facebook, there was this thing called MySpace. It taught young ones HTML due to the fact that everyone wanted to learn to make their own layout. If you were taken off a Top 8, you were basically dead to that person, and moving someone up or down a spot on yours basically meant World War 3. Your pictures were “owned” by your friends, and the only reason you had hundreds of comments on your pictures were because you asked strangers “pc4pc <3333”

6. AmandaPlease

Just because you had to keep up with Penelope Taint and her freakishly weird obsession with herself. (Er, I mean Amanda Bynes.)

7. QuizYourFriends

Let’s face it: everyone loves talking about themselves. So why not spend hours making a quiz all about yourself and forcing your friends to take it? You know you posted the link in your AIM profile, and if your BFF didn’t get 100, she totally wasn’t your BFF anymore.

8. DollzMania

DollzMania allowed you to create your own dolls, which obviously you only used to recreate you and your friends (with bigger boobs and trendier clothes, of course.)

9. Xanga [old version] [old version]

Just a space to blog about your life and rant about the people you hated. Until they saw the post.

10. AIM

AIM [old version]
AIM [old version]

While this isn’t a website, 90s kids could also be known as the AIM generation. You always had someone to talk to (aka AustinPowers or Smarterchild) and when you were bored, you changed your group names to “bESTTTTiiES <3” and “B0o0oYs.” Or you would change your profile and spend hours to decide whose initials go first under “BFFs.” The WARN button was perfect if someone pissed you off, and you always wondered what would happen if you hit 100%. o_O Thought Catalog Logo Mark