When You Meet The Right Person, Timing Won't Matter

When You Meet The Right Person, Timing Won’t Matter

Around a year ago, I wrote about meeting the right person at the wrong time. It became my most popular piece on Thought Catalog, and led to people questioning whether our soulmate is actually the one with adequate courage to cross the bridge. Today, I write to answer that question.

I held a belief even back then that there is no such thing as right timing. Today, I write to tell you why that belief has always been justified.

We come across many people in our lives. If we’re lucky, we get to keep those that truly belong. If we’re wise, we learn even from those that have a journey to make.

Let me tell you about the different kinds of people you will meet.

You will meet people that will make you believe in fairytale endings. These people will make you fall in love even with the feeling of being in love. They will introduce you to yourself. They will set the standard for how you love and express yourself.

You will wait for the right time to tell them.

You will end up wondering if they could have been the one if only you had told them earlier. Stop wondering. These people are not right for you.

You will meet people that will teach you the true meaning of sacrifice. These people will make you understand how you can only love people and not save them. They will comfort you with the knowledge that people like you exist out there. They will unravel you with how well they understand you even from a distance.

You will wait for them to meet you halfway.

You will end up waiting for them on the bridge only to be left stranded. Stop waiting. These people are not right for you.

You will meet people that worship you. These people will pick up your pieces and build you up when you are scattered across the ground. They will heal you with their gentle touch and warm embrace. They will be a temporary shelter and yet you will end up building a permanent abode in them.

You will wait to visit them again.

You will end up spending the rest of your life wishing you could meet again. Stop wishing. These people are not right for you.

You will meet people that traumatize you. These people will ignite a fire inside you that refuses to burn out. They will bring out a fierce passion in you that you never knew existed. They will make everyone before them seem irrelevant until you have to slam the door on them.

You will wait to hear from them again.

You will end up burning alive as the flames engulf you while they calmly watch. Rise from the ashes. These people are not right for you.

You will meet people that bring the light back into your life. These people will enter your life unexpectedly, and quietly build a home inside your heart. They will restore your faith in humanity. They will be placed upon a pedestal, carefully crafted with respect and admiration, that no one before them has occupied.

You will wait for them to be ready.

You will find yourself hoping that your divergent roads will converge when the time is right. Stop hoping. These people are not right for you.

You see, with the right person, there will be no stopping. There will be no ifs or buts. There will be here and now.

With the right person, there will be no nights spent awake overthinking the situation until it is a mess inside your head.

With the right person, you will feel serene and peaceful because you know exactly where you stand with them.

The right person will take a chance on you. Just like you.

The right person will make a leap of faith and hope to be caught. Just like you.

The right person will place their trust in you, despite having their trust broken in the past. Just like you.

The right person will confidently hold out their heart in their hands and tenderly place it in yours for safekeeping, despite being aware of the possibility that you might be reckless with it. Just. Like. You.

The right person may be stuck in a wrong situation when you meet them, but that does not mean they will part ways with you. The right person will find a way to move forward with you instead of moving on at your expense.

The right person will not think twice about crossing the bridge. They will do so without you having to ask them, simply because they want to. They will do so because the prospect of being with you is enough to overcome any fear they might have.

The right person will render timing obsolete. They will laugh at the notion of right timing, hold your hand, and walk into your shared future together, content knowing that they will have you by their side to deal with any challenges or difficulties life might throw your way. The right person will make any timing right.

My wish and prayer for you is that you find the love that is ready. That is the only love that matters in the grand scheme of the universe.

I hope you have the patience to wait for the right person. Until then, I hope you have the courage to let go of everyone not meant for you with poise and grace.

About the author

Ahmed Tariq

I write prose that tastes like poetry and create words for fun.