Ae Padilla

Articles by
Ae Padilla
I Am So Over Being The ‘Cool Girl’
I let men treat me like their guy friend and not their girlfriend. I never asked for flowers because that’s not what the ‘cool girl’ does.
I’ve Been Cheated On Emotionally And Physically – And I’ll Tell You Which One’s Worse
The basis of a good relationship is sex, but the basis of a real relationship is understanding that you made a decision to truly be completely present with one person.
Why I Will Always Pick Work Over A Relationship
Before I had thoughts about what my wedding dress would look like I had thoughts about what my first book cover would look like.
It’s Time We Cut The Crap And Admitted That What We’re Doing Is Dating
We still like the idea of dates but we don’t like the word, and because we don’t like it everyone out there is getting really damn confused as to what dates are.
How It Feels To Sit Across From The Person You Once Thought You’d Marry
Now you know the place you are in. You know that a marriage between the two of you would not have worked out. Hell, even a relationship right now would not work out. And admitting that is the hardest thing you have to do, because it means betraying your feelings and betraying all the years you spent convincing yourself that if anyone deserved the happy ending it was the two of you.
To My 24-Year-Old Friends Who Are Engaged: Why Are You Really Getting Married?
We’re just starting the best part of our lives. So why the hell are we doing this?
What It’s Like To Be An Extrovert With Depression
You have to be the one to have it all together. You have to be the person people gravitate towards to when they want to have a good time.
This Is Why I Won’t Date Someone I’m Not Immediately Attracted To
I refuse to date anyone I don’t find immediately attractive. I know that right off the bat that sounds incredibly shallow. And that many will say people are more than the looks they were given, which they have no control over.