The Truth About Settling For Less Than What You Deserve

The truth is it will always feel like something is missing.


The Truth About Settling For Less Than What You Deserve
Rania Naim

The truth is it will always feel like something is missing. Something is incomplete. You’re not the best version of yourself. You don’t look at yourself in the mirror and feel proud. You know that you’re capable of so much more and you know that at the end of the day, this is not what you deserve.

The Truth About Settling For Less Than What You Deserve

The truth is it will always feel unbalanced. One foot in and one foot out. One day you’re happy and the next day you’re sad. One day you know what to do and the next day you’re lost and confused. You overthink and you overanalyze every single word and every single action because you know that the truth lies in between. You know the truth yet you keep lying to yourself.

The truth is it will always make you question yourself. It will make you question your character, your integrity, your beliefs and the amount of self-love you have. It will make you question why you can’t let go, why you can’t leave, why you can’t do what’s right and why you’re scared of taking a leap faith that could turn it all around. It will make you question why you feel like you don’t deserve the best or why you feel like you don’t deserve everything.

The truth about settling for less than what you deserve is that you won’t be able to do it for long. It will hit you from the moment you wake up till the moment you sleep. It will haunt you every time you fall out of love with yourself. It will be a constant barrier between you and your ultimate happiness.

But the good news is, it will always be temporary. Because eventually, you’ll know your worth and what you truly deserve and you will instinctively reject anything that diminishes your value. Because eventually, you’ll learn not to settle and eventually you will fall in love with yourself again.