I Want A Mature Kind Of Love
I want a mature kind of love. A love where games would not need to be played.
Love is supposed to be easy and you should not have to guess where you are going next. I want a love where we build each other up through our declaration of commitment for each other. A love that makes us continually grow to be better. I know that both of us can be unlovable and difficult at times. Instead of running in the other direction, let us be there for one another. I am tired of dealing with emotional unavailability and people running away when things get tough. Let us stick together through the good and the bad. I am 100% here to give what I can give for this relationship to work.
I want a love where we can listen to one another without judgment. I hope we share a love where we do not need to keep score of each other’s mistakes and forgiveness is at the tip of our tongues.
I want a mature kind of love, love that is always genuine, patient, and free from neediness. I want a relationship where there is a healthy amount of communication between us. If something is not going right, I want us to talk it to each other instead of about each other.
I hope you know that you do not need to depend on me or anyone else to make you feel loved. I want you to grow independently, too, without having to need me so much that there is no room to breathe in this relationship.
It is not love if we cannot have freedom from one another.
Let us be able to have the freedom to breathe in our own thoughts and feelings. I want a relationship where we are both secure enough to support each other’s dreams unconditionally. I hope that we are mature enough to fight for our love and to accept one another as who we are, not a personal preconceived ideal of how love should be.