Hate To Break It To You But You Deserve To Be Happy

You deserve to feel good about your life. You deserve to look forward to the future with a hopeful mindset instead of a fearful one.


Gabriel Matula

Hate to break it to you but you deserve to wake up with a smile on your face. You deserve to feel like you’re excited to be alive. You’re excited to contribute to the world. You’re excited about your life and your dreams and your goals. You deserve to feel good about your life. You deserve to look forward to the future with a hopeful mindset instead of a fearful one.

Hate to break it to you but you deserve to be loved. You deserve to find the person who makes you feel like you’re the best thing that ever happened to them. You deserve to find the person who makes an effort with you and chooses you all the time. You deserve to live the love story you’ve always dreamed of. You deserve to feel good about the person you’re with. You don’t deserve an almost relationship or a toxic relationship or someone who’s unsure about you.

Hate to break it to you but you deserve to attract the things you desire. You’re not a magnet for pain or failures or hardships. You’re not meant to live a sad life forever. You’re not meant to live the life your parents lived. You deserve more. You deserve to live the life of your dreams and believe that you can manifest the reality you want. You deserve to believe in yourself enough to know that you’re different. Maybe you’re the odd one out. Maybe you’re the black sheep and that’s why you’ll make it big. That’s why you will write your own story instead of living the same old one.

Hate to break it to you but you deserve to love yourself. You deserve to know what you bring to the table and stop comparing yourself to everyone. You deserve to believe that you have qualities that set you apart no matter who you’re with or who you’re talking to. You deserve to be your own best friend instead of your own worst enemy. You deserve to know your worth and your value and walk away from people who can’t see it. You deserve to ask for your right and stand up for yourself and raise your voice if you have something to say. You deserve to believe that you’re important and that you matter even if no one taught you that you were.

Hate to break it to you but you deserve to be happy. You don’t deserve short-term happiness. You don’t deserve happiness followed by sadness. You don’t deserve anyone who steals your happiness away from you. Don’t believe people who tell you that no one is happy or that happiness is an illusion. Don’t let people convince you that life is better lived when you don’t have any ambitions or dreams so you don’t get disappointed. You can be happy, your time is coming, you just have to believe that you deserve it and the rest will follow. Thought Catalog Logo Mark