What Each Myers-Briggs Type Needs For The New School Season

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator sorts people into sixteen distinct personality ‘types’ that share common patterns of processing information. And each type needs something a little different when it comes to preparing for the school year! Find the item your type direly needs below – you’ll spend the entire school year thanking yourself for the investment.

ENFP – Vacuum Robot

Let’s be serious – you’ll be too busy attending your 500 extra-curricular activities and staying up all night writing essays the day before they’re due to do any cleaning this year. But you still want your house to look presentable for the parties you plan on throwing. Enter the robot vacuum, which literally does your dirty work for you. Plus it’s kind of like a pet that you don’t have to feed. Score.

ESTJ – Messenger Bag

You need to stay organized and on top of things this year and you don’t want to waste time wondering where you’ve misplaced your planner. Enter the messenger bag that keeps you put together AND looking like a professional. It’s the miracle bag that you never knew was missing from your wardrobe until you picked it up – and now you can’t imagine life without it.

INTJ – Charging Backpack

You have serious work to get done this year, which means you need to make sure your electronics are powered up and ready at all times. Don’t worry about losing your charge throughout the school day when you invest in a battery-charging backpack. Now you can stay up studying well past midnight on campus – we know it’s your favorite way to spend the evening anyway.

ISTJ – A No-Nonsense Tool Set

When something isn’t working the way it should, you’re the first person to rise to the challenge of fixing it. And now that you’re on your own, you need a quality set of tools that will help you fix up your house or apartment. We both know you won’t be able to focus on work until your physical environment is in order, so make sure you keep it that way by investing in a tool set you can rely on.

ENTP – A Serious Speaker System

You need to get in ‘the zone’ in order to get any serious work done, and you need to cut loose when the stress builds up – which is why you need a serious set of speakers that can entirely drown out the outside world. Plus they’re a pretty good addition to the house parties you inevitably want to host this year.

INTP – Dry Erase Board

You are constantly constructing and re-constructing new ideas – which is why you need a brainstorming device that doesn’t set your thoughts in stone. Invest in a giant whiteboard for your dorm room this year so that you can theorize and speculate to your heart’s content – without having to stay committed to any one particular idea.

ENTJ – A High-Quality Coffee Machine

We all know that you’ll be putting in some serious work this year – and you may need a little extra help staying alert through it all. Invest in a high-quality coffee maker this year to help you get through those intensive study sessions, without having to compromise taste or class.

ISTP – Noise Cancelling Headphones

In order to get any serious work done, you need to be able to completely tune out the outside world. Which means that this year, noise-cancelling headphones are going to be your best friend. Slip them on when you need to sleep, study or otherwise disengage from the world around you.

ESTP – Breakfast Sandwich Maker

Between studying, socializing and staying active, you hardly have time to cook elaborate meals for yourself. Invest in a product that helps you whip up the quick, hearty breakfast you’re craving with minimal effort. It may be the difference between life and death.

INFP – Zen Décor For Your Dorm Room

Throughout the chaos and confusion of the school year, you need to make sure you stay centered. And there’s no better way to do that than to invest in some home décor that transports you to a place of peace. Transform your dorm room or study cubicle into a Zen environment this school year, in order to maintain some sliver of your sanity.

ENFJ – Cute Stress Relief Ball

It’s no secret that you’re going to be burning the candle at all ends this year – between maintaining straight A’s and an active social calendar, you are constantly on the go. Invest in a cute, cheerful stress ball to keep on you at all times this year. You’re going to need the release, and you’re going to need it often.

INFJ – Nature-Themed Wall Art

You’re going to be spending a lot of time hibernating with your studies this year – so you’re going to need a workspace that offers some escapism. Invest in a piece of wall art that whisks you away to someplace faraway and serene. It may be the only thing that keeps you from snapping three days into an intensive study session.

ISFJ – Photo Clip Mobile

When you’re two days into a solo study session this year, you’re going to need a reminder of happier times. Enter the photo clip mobile that helps you preserve your favorite memories in a way that is both cute and super easy to set up. Let your friends and loved ones smile down at you as you turn page 451 of your textbook this finals season – you’ll need the reminder of stress-free times!

ESFJ – Dry Erase Calendar

You have a thriving social calendar and there are days when even you have trouble keeping up with it! Invest in a cute dry-erase or chalkboard calendar this school year to keep yourself organized. There’s nothing you loathe more than the thought of missing a commitment – so make sure you never do, by keeping your appointments visibly booked!

ESFP – Sleep Headphones

Your sleep schedule is anything but normal during the school year – which means you’re going to need some help blocking out distractions during mid-day naps. Invest in a pair of sleeper headphonesthat keep you simultaneously comfortable and well-rested. You can zone out to your favorite tunes while you recharge to cram for those finals.

ISFP – Adult Coloring Books

The stress of the school year can seriously start to wear on you – which is why you need a low-key escapist activity. Invest in a set of adult coloring books that will help you zone out and recharge when the pressure gets crushing. You need to take the odd break from the hustle and bustle of the school year and what better a way to do that than to engage your artistic side?Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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