Sister, I Am So Proud Of Everything You Have Become
You were my rock as I made my life mistakes, as my heart broke, and as I reached my dreams.
Holly Darton

I’ll never forget the lump in my throat as I hugged you goodbye. I fought back the tears, telling myself it was my turn to be strong for you.
You were doing it. You were finally following your dreams and leaving this state. You were heading out on your biggest adventure yet with nothing but a beaming smile and the sparkle of hope and life in your blue eyes.
This was your time of glory. This was your time to live.
But, a part of me was dying as I watched you drive away. Sure, we will have phone calls, FaceTime dates, and I will fly to see you as much as I can.
But you won’t be just a short drive away anymore. The spontaneous weekends full of laughter and craziness will be few and far between. Our life will turn into another relationship on a screen.
But I couldn’t be more proud of you.
Being your big sister has undoubtedly been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. Although we are ten years apart we never let that become a hindrance in our relationship.
You were my rock as I made my life mistakes, as my heart broke, and as I reached my dreams. When no one else was there, you were, understanding and supporting me.
So in those goodbyes, I realized everything I never wanted to lose.
With every exciting phone call and text message you sent me, telling me your dreams and plans of moving to Colorado, I silently cried knowing how much I was going to miss you.
A part of me would be leaving with you. And with every tear that rolled down my cheek I beamed with pure joy that you were finally making this happen.
You will never know how much I look up to you. How much of an inspiration you are. I always wondered what it was that made you have the strength to do this at this time. Why this time was different.
And then you said to me, “You have shown me what living life really means. I am adventurous now because of you. You showed me I could do this.”
You deserve this, you know. I have watched you grow up doubting every move you made, letting your fears hold you back from realizing how amazing you truly are. But not anymore.
This time, your determination was bigger than those negative perceptions. You took the leap.
It is time to spread your wings. As your tattoo says “With brave wings she flies.” And you are.