50 Tiny (But Powerful) Things Happy People Tell Themselves Every Single Day

I can be a different version of myself in front of different people, and it doesn’t make me any less authentic.



1. I am enough.

2. I am not wrong or weak for feeling things deeply.

3. I deserve to be happy.

4. But that doesn’t mean I automatically deserve to have whatever I want, whenever I want.

5. Tomorrow is always a new day.

6. Everyone I know is a fully, three-dimensional person with feelings and insecurities and a life story that I haven’t heard – even if I don’t like them.

7. I can do this.

8. Bravery doesn’t usually come from feeling brave – it comes from doing something despite how afraid I feel.

9. I cannot settle for mediocrity.

10. The people I look up to didn’t get there by sitting on their asses.

11. Sometimes a really tiny and simple thing can completely turn someone’s day around.

12. Being in love will not always be easy and effortless.

13. I am me, and that can be a lot of different things, and that’s wonderful.

14. Being able to admit when I’m wrong is way more important than being right.

15. Sometimes I will try stuff that I won’t be automatically good at. But that doesn’t mean I can’t try to get better.

16. It is okay, and even necessary, to walk away from people who hurt me.

17. The online version of my life is not what gives me meaning.

18. Even my ideal dream job is still going to be incredibly difficult, because anything worthwhile takes blood and sweat and tears.

19. When I am going through heartbreak, it means I am experiencing one of the most universal feelings on the planet. I am not alone.

20. Sometimes maintaining friendships in adulthood is hard and that’s okay, as long as I keep trying with the people who matter to me.
21. The people who really love me are the ones who are telling me what I need to hear, even if I don’t want to hear it.

22. It’s normal that sometimes I truly crave credit or validation or praise. It’s part of being human.

23. I can be a different version of myself in front of different people, and it doesn’t make me any less authentic.

24. This doesn’t have to be where I end up if I don’t want it to be that way.

25. Sometimes, I’m just going to have a really rough day, or week, or year. But I will survive it. I’ve done it before and I’ll do it again.

26. My heart is fragile but my strength is unwavering.

27. I’m allowed to leave a job I hate to find something better.

28. No matter how careful I am, I’m going to make mistakes. What’s important is how I handle the aftermath.

29. The times when I really don’t want to get out of bed are usually the moments when it is most crucial that I do so.

30. Anxiety and depression and other mental health related struggles don’t make me weak. I just need to remember to be strong enough to ask for help.

31. It’s important to tell the truth, especially to myself.

32. Everybody is scared. I’m not the only one.

33. Sometimes feeling lost is a good thing.

34. Usually when I’m heavily judging someone, what I’m really doing is projecting something that I dislike within myself.

35. Money can make things easier and less stressful, but it won’t make me happier or more fulfilled.

36. I’m allowed to be proud of myself.

37. I should never take advantage of the fact that my loved ones are only a phone call away.

38. The only time procrastination feels good is in the moment.

39. I can’t change the fact that my body will age, but I can control how I handle it.

40. No matter how happy or put-together they seem, everyone is struggling with something, just like me.

41. Regret is much scarier than failure.

42. When I make others look good, I look good too. And it’s a much more joyful way to live.

43. Admitting that I care about something is so much more fun than trying to play it cool.

44. It’s important to be humble, but it’s also important to stand up for myself when I’m being treated unfairly.

45. Just because someone is cold to me doesn’t mean I need to be cold back.

46. There is no better quality than making others feel like, and understand that, they matter.

47. Laughter should always be a high priority.

48. Being warm to others can take me so incredibly far.

49. I am here to do something.

50. Looking for ways to feel grateful for things, instead of frustrated over them, can drastically change the way I look at the world and the way I feel about my life. Thought Catalog Logo Mark