Jakob Owens

The Ultimate Single Girl Bucket List: 61 Dates You Can Take Your Beautiful Self On This Year

Spend the afternoon at the library, drinking coffee, journaling, and getting lost in a good book. 


Jakob Owens
Jakob Owens

1. Search for all the coffee shops in your city or town. At least every two weeks, make a point to visit each of them for a breakfast treat.

2. Take yourself on an ultimate spa date. Get a mani, pedi, and even indulge in the foot massage.

3. Go on a run just before sunset and make sure to find a perfect spot to take a sunset selfie.

4. Gather your friends and go on a walk through one of the trails/paths in your town to just talk and catch up.

5. Order your favorite take-out food and have it shamelessly delivered to the house for a night of binge-Netflix and grub.

6. Play drink roulette at your favorite bar—a sort of eeny-meeny-miney-moe of sorts, and whatever drink you land on is the one you buy for yourself.

7. Go to your favorite restaurant, but instead of getting the same thing you always do, make it a point to order something new each time.

8. Make your own Iron Chef competition. Create a homemade food (ex: burgers, soup, salad—you name it!) and take Instagrams of your creations, as if they were restaurant quality.

9. Host a for-no-reason-at-all party at your house, complete with drinks, snacks, and music.

10. Grab your girls and go all out for a weekend night—dress to the nines, and hit up all your favorite clubs.

11. Get a picnic blanket, snacks, and something crafty (art supplies, journal, etc.) and bring the to the nearest forest preserve or park. Set up camp and enjoy the day (sun or shade) by relaxing, being creative, and enjoying some peace and quiet.

12. Buy cheap tickets to your favorite or local sports teams’ games and go with a bunch of friends or family members.

13. Spend the afternoon at the library, drinking coffee, journaling, and getting lost in a good book.

14. If it’s warm where you live, have a beach day—just you, your headphones, plenty of sunscreen, and of course, snacks. Too cold for all that? Convert your living room to the beach with some tropical music and drinks, and lay, yes down, swimsuit and all. A girl can pretend, right?! (Feel too weird to do that solo? Get your girlfriends and booze! Believe me, it’s silly but fun.)

15. Go to a park and swing on a swing. (When’s the last time you actually did that??)

16. Rollerblade around town.

17. Take yourself to that new pub you’ve been dying to try.

18. Join a 5K, mud run, or themed jog solo or with friends.

19. Go all out for one of your favorite sports teams’ games—dress in the team colors, make themed snacks and drinks, and have all your friends over to watch (and drink).

20. Grab a guyfriend and take him out on a friend-date to somewhere you’ve been wanting to explore.

21. Take yourself to the movies (and shamelessly sneak in some wine and Hershey’s kisses for snacks!)

22. Go to one of the pretty, touristy places in town and take pictures.

23. Gather some friends and go out for karaoke night. (Who cares if you’re the worst singer in the world?!)

24. Attend a reading at your local library.

25. Impulsively buy cheap tickets to a concert or show you’ve been thinking about, but haven’t bought because you haven’t had anyone to go with. Hang with yourself and take a don’t-you-wish-you-were-here-with-me solo selfie before the night ends!

26. Go to the bar alone and see who you meet. Dare yourself to talk to at least one person of the opposite sex.

27. Travel for the weekend to see an old friend, long-distance pal, or family member.

28. Go to a free cooking, sewing, scrapbooking, etc. class just for the hell of it. (Who knows what cool, DIY thinks you could learn!?)

29. Go solo shopping and treat yourself to at least one thing you don’t really need.

30. Spend the afternoon at a homeless shelter feeding and sharing stories with those in need.

31. Attend a Bible study or small group meeting with some people from your church.

32. Volunteer at a local animal clinic and help, play with, and love on some cute furry friends.

33. Go on a hike somewhere you haven’t been.

34. Wakeup and watch the sunrise from the top of a hill.

35. Call in sick to work one day and spend the afternoon playing hooky and window shopping downtown.

36. Spend a weekend day in a state park (or somewhere with beautiful nature) and turn off your phone. Indulge in a full 24 hours off the grid!

37. Build a snowman or bury yourself in the sand. (Seriously, when was the last time you did either of those things??)

38. Grab some friends and go dancing like fools at the local bar.

39. Skate at a nearby rink. (It’s more relaxing than you think, and if your rinks have disco balls and good music, well, you can let your inner child free!)

40. Go on a long, meditative nature walk.

41. Attend a local yoga, Zumba, or some type of workout class you haven’t had the motivation to go to yet.

42. Go sledding (if it’s cold) or roll down a hill (if it’s warm). Because sometimes you just have to take yourself on a fun, carefree, childhood playdate.

43. Ask a street musician to play your favorite song and dance with a stranger (or a dog, dogs are cute.)

44. Do something you’re absolutely terrified of completely on your own. (Ex: Touching stingrays, skydiving, going through a haunted house). If you survive, you can share the awesome story! (You totally will.)

45. Get drunk by yourself. (Why not?)

46. Make dinner to-go and find a pretty spot outside to eat.

47. Get dressed in something you’d never wear and go out. Let your crazy clothes give you a new identity for the night.

48. Build a fort in your bedroom/living room and spend the afternoon shamelessly watching your favorite TV shows.

49. Stay in and have an ultimate craft night—coloring, painting, drawing, etc.—feeling social? Invite some pals. And break open a bottle of wine (or two) if you’d like.

50. Go to the zoo. Spend the day petting animals, taking pictures, and just having fun on your own.

51. Take yourself on a workout date. (AKA get your lazy butt off the couch, get moving, and celebrate your body.) PS: Strong is the new sexy.

52. Go out in your favorite outfit; make a bet with yourself and ask at least one stranger to dance with you.

53. Buy dinner for yourself at a street vendor and find a park bench to just sit, eat, and people watch.

54. Indulge in an in-home spa day, complete with a bubble bath, scented candles, and wine.

55. Find a pretty hill, sit at the very top, and paint your toenails while watching the sunset.

56. Rent a fancy car and go on a weekend trip (with or without friends) somewhere new.

57. Spend a random night in the city and get a hotel. Order room service in a robe like a boss.

58. Take yourself out for a glass of champagne at a restaurant with a good view.

59. Rent a bike (or one of those awesome motor scooters and take a ride around town.)

60. Treat yourself to one of those paint-and-drink-wine nights (friends or solo.)

61. Go on a Ferris Wheel and take an epic selfie at the very top. Thought Catalog Logo Mark