33 Girls Recall The Moment They First Realized They Were Straight

"A boy I liked at school made me feel ‘warm’ between my legs and I thought I peed myself."


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1. A boy I liked at school made me feel ‘warm’ between my legs and I thought I peed myself.

“When I was around 10, a boy I liked at school made me feel ‘warm’ between my legs and I thought I peed myself. Turns out I was sexually attracted to him.”


2. In third grade I threw a giant size Hershey’s Kiss at a boy’s head.

“In third grade I threw a giant size Hershey’s Kiss at a boy’s head. I still like men.”


3. When puberty hit like a freight train and boys were suddenly cute and no longer gross and having cooties.

“When puberty hit like a freight train and boys were suddenly cute and no longer gross and having cooties.”





5. When I saw a dick and liked it.

“When I saw a dick and liked it. I was 15. I still love dick.”


6. After I hit puberty and saw half-naked bearded hockey players.

“After I hit puberty and saw half-naked bearded hockey players during post game reaction interviews and realized I was thinking what their penis looked like and got wet after thinking that. I really liked what I saw.”


7. Leonardo DiCaprio in Titanic was my sexual awakening.

“I had crushes on boys prior, but Leonardo DiCaprio in Titanic was my sexual awakening. That car scene, I didn’t really know what was going on but I knew I wanted to be Rose so bad at that moment.”


8. I had a boyfriend in kindergarten and planned out our marriage at age 5.

“I had a boyfriend in kindergarten and planned out our marriage at age 5.”


9. When I was a kid in 2005 and watched Titanic for the first time.

“When I was a kid in 2005 and watched Titanic for the first time. Leonardo DiCaprio. Hubba hubba, mama in trubba.”


10. I had a crazy crush on a boy when I was five.

“I’ve thought about it, and I guess the first signs of it when I had a crazy crush on a boy when I was five. I mean, in a five-year-old way, I was really in love with him. We were even girlfriend and boyfriend for eleven days, until he kissed Jenny during block clean-up—I cried the whole time (and conveniently missed clean-up). I still remember the little round stain my tears made on the reading corner pillow, and I still think of him fondly.

I was always pretty boy-crazy, I always had some sort of mad, passionate crush. And I was always kind of a daddy’s girl in a very stereotypical heterosexual development sort of way, so I can probably remember having heterosexual feelings even before I really was able to index my memories in time.

Oddly, as hardcore hardwired heterosexual as I am, later in life I did find that I have some very homoromantic inclinations and have had a several very intimate and intense friendships with lesbians or bi women that fizzled disappointingly. I don’t know what to do with this part of myself or what it really means.”


11. When I was eleven, one of the boys at school had already hit puberty and had developed biceps.

“When I was eleven, one of the boys at school had already hit puberty and had developed biceps. And I noticed and liked them. That was an odd moment for a pre-puberty me.”


12. My mom says she knew I was straight from when I was a baby, before I could even talk.

“My mom says she knew I was straight from when I was a baby, before I could even talk. I’d always watch the men telling stories.”


13. The first time I saw David Bowie in Labyrinth.

“The first time I saw David Bowie in Labyrinth.”


14. In first grade my crush talked to me and I barfed in excitement.

“In first grade my crush talked to me and I barfed in excitement.”


15. I would always look at the hockey players and say ‘he’s cute.’

“Straight female here: My parents have season tickets to a major junior hockey team and I would always look at the players and say ‘he’s cute’ and same goes for a boy in my kindergarten class.”


16. Boys have given me butterflies in my tummy since I was in preschool.

“Boys have given me butterflies in my tummy since I was in preschool. College experimentation with women proved to be physically exciting, but I’ve never been emotionally fulfilled by a woman in the same way that I’ve been able to connect and fall in love with men.”


17. I was about five. Saw a Marlon Brando type in tight jeans.

“I was about five. Saw a Marlon Brando type in tight jeans. Dreamt about him that night in a graphic fashion. Told my mom the next morning and she begged me to never tell anyone.”


18. As a teenager I realized I got terribly shy around a cute guy.

“I think it was when as a teenager I realized I got terribly shy around a cute guy, but the second a pretty girl walked in I want to befriend them immediately and ask what brow pencil they use.”


19. David Duchovny was a puberty bombshell for many of us females back in the 90’s.

“David Duchovny was a puberty bombshell for many of us females back in the 90’s. Once I started rationalizing how maybe it could work out once I turned 18 even though it was a big age difference (he’s like 20 years older than me?) there remained little doubt.”


20. In kindergarten when a cute boy in my class kissed me in the library.

“In kindergarten when a cute boy in my class kissed me in the library and I wanted to hold his hand the whole day after that hahaha.”


21. I remember being four years old and staring at older guys I thought were cute.

“I remember being four years old and staring at older guys I thought were cute (cashiers, grocery baggers, parents’ friends’ kids, etc.) who fit the punky type I’m still attracted to. I think I’ve always known I like boys.”


22. I was five years old and wanted to kiss a teenage boy.

“I’ve always known—as far back as I can remember. I was five years old and wanted to kiss a teenage boy (babysitter’s brother) but settled for sitting next to him at church potlucks as often as I could.”


23. I realized—even though a lot of my friends were gorgeous, vagina just isn’t for me.

“I knew I always liked boys, but never really knew there was another option until I was probably 9 or 10. Even then, I didn’t really think about it. Then in middle school, my best friend confessed to me she was bi. I started thinking about it, and I realized—even though a lot of my friends were gorgeous, vagina just isn’t for me.”


24. I would talk to my Jonathan Taylor Thomas posters until I fell asleep.

“When I would talk to my Jonathan Taylor Thomas posters until I fell asleep, and then watch Home Improvement because of him <3”


25. Val Kilmer. In Willow. 1988.

“Val Kilmer. In Willow. 1988.”


26. I had a crush on Luke Skywalker when I was six.

“I had a crush on Luke Skywalker when I was six. I finally realized that Han Solo was the real catch when I was eight.”


27. I watched Dirty Dancing and fell in love with Patrick Swayze.

“My dad used to watch a lot of Arnold Schwarzenegger movies. I must have been around 5 or 6 when I started imaging him laying in bed with me and being my boyfriend. And then I watched Dirty Dancing and fell in love with Patrick Swayze.”


28. A boy named Charles bitch-slapped 12-year-old me with his face and hair and body.

“When I really realized it was in 6th grade. If I didn’t have a clue before (and I kind of did because boys made me uncomfortable and I thought one was cute in 4th grade), a boy named Charles bitch-slapped 12-year-old me with his face and hair and body into my own personal hell-terosexuality. I couldn’t stop thinking about him and how amazing he was. It was terribly uncomfortable. Nowadays, when I like a guy, there is far less fanfare. Mainly just shyness and general awkwardness in their presence. Puberty, man. It really sticks it to ya.”


29. I suddenly stopped at a vibrator tele-shop ad.

“I was 10: We were on vacation for 2 weeks at my uncle’s house and I was alone in my room browsing TV channels and I suddenly stopped at a vibrator tele-shop ad.”


30. Watched the DiCaprio version of Romeo and Juliet in class.

“Watched the DiCaprio version of Romeo and Juliet in class….The moment Leo first walked on screen and turned to look straight at the camera. Time stopped. Sound went fuzzy. I forgot how to breathe. The other girls in the class were squealing up a storm but I forgot how to function. I’m not exaggerating. That man is a danger to society.”


31. My friend had a boyfriend in our class and I was really jealous because I thought he was super-cute.

“When I was about 7 or 8 my friend had a boyfriend in our class and I was really jealous because I thought he was super-cute.”


32. When I started preschool I was boy crazy.

“Before I was in school. I already had a crush on Robin Williams at age 3 and then when I started preschool I was boy crazy. Tried to hold all of the boys’ hands on the bean bag under the craft table. lol”


33. I remember him pushing me and we fell down all tangled up and he smelled DIVINE :).

“I was 6. This boy in my class used to run after me when we played tag even if it wasn’t my turn. I remember him pushing me and we fell down all tangled up and he smelled DIVINE :)”

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Read this: 33 Guys Recall The Moment They First Realized They Were Straight