You Don’t Need A Boy To Save You

Oh, darling, no one can save you but yourself. 


Allef Vinicius
Allef Vinicius

You. Yeah, you. I See You. I am you. You’re feeling lost, insecure. And think some boy can save you.

I get it, trust me, I get it. But, reality is no boy can save you.

Oh, darling, no one can save you but yourself.

And I wish you saw it. You are worth so much more than the boy that tries to change you. I know you think you love him, and maybe you do. But, let me let you in on a little secret. The boy you love won’t make you change. He won’t sit there asking you to become a better person. He won’t need you to become a better person because you’re already the best person out there.

I know you hear all the negative vibes. The harsh words people said when they thought you couldn’t hear. I know you internalized them. I know you believe them. I know you think they define you.

But baby girl, you are worth so much more.

You are worth finding a guy that wakes up every morning and sees the world in you.

You are worth a guy that tells you, you are beautiful, and you believe it.

But, you don’t believe it. And maybe that’s the problem. You don’t believe any of it. You don’t see the spark in your eye. You don’t see the way you change millions of hearts. You don’t see your opinions and how they’re making an impact. You don’t see any of it all. And I wish you did. Oh darling I wish you did.

But until you see the worth in you, you’ll stay forever a lost, drifting soul. And until you become whole? Well you.  Yeah You. I See You. I am you. And if you ever want to talk, I’m just a message away. Thought Catalog Logo Mark