8 Reasons Why Music Festivals Are Infinitely Better Than Vacations

Maybe a traditional vacation will give your body the relaxation time it’s been craving, but a music festival will rejuvenate your soul.


1. They’re all about socializing, meeting people, and expanding your circle.

Vacations are fun because you get to relax with the people you’re traveling with. The awesome thing about music festivals, though, is that you are continually surrounded by new people, aka new friends. When you go to a music festival, you get to talk, dance, and celebrate with strangers, and I can guarantee that you’ll leave with at least one phone number exchanged or one tagged picture on Instagram with someone you didn’t know before.

2. They are a perfect mix of relaxing and exciting.

Depending on what type of festival you are attending, your experience might lean one way or the other, but when you attend one, you’re guaranteed to have a mix of both craziness and downtime. You can chill with the more calming sets and dance your butt off to the wild sets. You can sleep in until the festival starts and stay up all night dancing under the stars. It’s not the boring, lay-around-and-get-fat-all-day type of vacation, but it’s not too non-stop either. A perfect balance.

3. They are profoundly cheaper.

When you’re planning a vacation, you’re planning airfare, rental cars/ground transportation, food, activities, hotels and sleeping arrangements, and other outside events…aka expensive. With music festivals, all your fun is already packed into the expenses. Sure, you might have to spring for a hotel and transportation there, but all the fun is already included in the ticket price.

4. You get to expand your horizons in so many ways.

Festivals give you the opportunity to explore new places, new foods, new people, and of course, new vibes. You can wander between your favorite sets and check out other stages. You can listen to new artists or DJs and become familiar with styles you never thought you’d enjoy.

5. They’re like one big party.

You can get dressed up, drink, wear your wildest outfits, and jump around for hours—what could be better? Sure, vacations can be a good time, but being at a giant party with thousands of other people is really the ultimate experience.

6. They will provide vacation-type things, but that’s on top of all the other awesome sh*t you’re already doing.

Going to a music festival is basically a vacation, but better. If you’re someone who loves lying on the beach all day, then go to a festival in an area with a beach and spend the early afternoons there. If you want to explore and hike a new area, then do that on the day before the festival begins. No matter what you think you can do in a vacation, you can do better at a music festival.

7. They will give you so many amazing memories.

Each artist/DJ/set you see brings on a different experience. You will leave the festival with so many new memories, from dancing in the rain to taking group pictures under the sunset to watching the craziest fireworks display you’ve ever seen. And who needs an over-priced, all-inclusive resort vacation when you can make so many memories just dancing around in the sun?

8. They will leave you feeling whole and refreshed.

Maybe a traditional vacation will give your body the relaxation time it’s been craving, but a music festival will rejuvenate your soul. After dancing for hours, meeting and becoming friends with strangers, and singing at the top of your lungs, you’ll feel positive, pumped, and whole. Festivals are emotional experiences. And when you leave, your body and soul will move as one, your heart will feel healed and strong, and you’ll be more than ready to take on life again. Thought Catalog Logo Mark