You Will Meet Someone Who Will Shatter All Your Expectations For Love


You wanted someone with blue eyes and wavy blonde hair, but you fell for someone with dark brown eyes and a beard you love.

You wanted someone who could throw a perfect pass to the end zone, but you fell for someone who instead can play guitar and can make you smile as he strums the cords in perfect rhythm.

You wanted someone who shared your taste in music, but instead you fell for someone who has no interest in your favorite singer, but will still go to concerts with you because he loves the way you sound when you’re singing along in your own world.

You wanted someone who was stylish, but instead you fell for someone who rocks the hell out of old jeans.

You wanted someone who would remember the little things, but instead you fell for someone who will order you a pizza when he’s out of town and you’re hungry.

You wanted someone who was funny, but instead you fell for someone who could laugh at himself because he’s just a big goof and that’s enough to make you laugh.

You wanted someone who would buy you roses, but instead you fell for someone who would walk down a dirt road with you and hand pick you a bouquet of wild flowers for you to put in a mason jar.

You wanted someone who could cook dinner with you, but you fell for someone who doesn’t know a thing about the kitchen, but will still sit in there with you and offer to give you a hand.

You wanted someone who would tell you beautiful words to cheer you up when you’re feeling sad, but instead you fell for someone who just holds you in his arms and wipes your tears.

You wanted someone who showed you off to the world, instead you fell for someone who made you the center of his own world.

Sometimes it’s not about what we want at all; sometimes we fall for people who we had no intentions of falling for and out of that the most beautiful, real love is born.

Then you let the expectations go and you realize he is there, and he isn’t leaving. You realize that he can make you laugh and he goes out of his way to make you smile. You realize that he is who you wanted all along because no matter what his qualities are he can make you happy and he can make you feel loved and you realize none of the other stuff ever really mattered because you fell for him and he’s all you ever wanted.

He is your perfect and he is your happily ever after. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

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Becca Martin

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