27 Things That Are Just As Important To Say In A Relationship As ‘I Love You’

“You’re the most important thing in the world to me.”



1. “I’m here.”

2. “I’m listening.”

3. “I don’t know how to do this on my own.”

4. “You’re never alone, you’ve got me.”

5. “I’m sorry.”

6. “I forgive you.”

7. “I brought home a pizza.”

8. “Your opinion matters to me.”

9. “You’re enough for me.”

10. “You’ll always be enough for me.”  

11. “What can I do to help?”

12. “I need you right now.”

13. “Alright, we’ll compromise.”

14. “I screwed up, but I’m trying to fix it.”

15. “I need to talk about this.”

16. “One more episode.”

17. “You’ve only made my life better.”

18. “I believe in you, seriously.”

19. “I’m having a hard time.”

20. “I love us.”

21. “We’ll get through this as a team.”

22. “You make me laugh.”

23. “Your family is my family [even when they’re driving me nuts].”

24. “I’m excited about a future with you.”

25. “I hear you.”

26. “I love our life.”

27. “You’re the most important thing in the world to me.” Thought Catalog Logo Mark