55 Tiny But Important Things You Should Start Doing For Yourself Today
1. Invite a friend over to your house.
2. Cook your favorite food.
3. Call a friend just to tell them something nice.
4. Try a new form of exercise.
5. Teach yourself a new yoga pose.
6. Go out to lunch with a friend.
7. Eat your favorite ice cream.
8. Go for a walk by the lake or ocean.
9. Play with your pet.
10. Start the book you’ve been meaning to read.
11. Lay out in the sun.
12. Hide out in a library or bookstore for the day.
13. Attempt to learn a new language.
14. Listen to spoken word poetry.
15. Learn the lyrics to your new favorite song.
16. Write a song or poem.
17. Plant a garden.
18. Learn how to knit, or crochet or sew.
19. Give yourself a manicure.
20. Get your hair done or dye it yourself.
21. Go to a spa.
22. Create a scrapbook.
23. Write down one good thing that happened to you a day.
24. Read your favorite blog and if you don’t have one, find one.
25. Attend a sporting event.
26. Create a recipe you’ve had saved forever.
27. Get a massage.
28. Write a letter to your future self.
29. Get a coffee and sit outside to drink it.
30. Walk through nature.
31. Paint something in your house.
32. Learn how to make a dream catcher.
33. Listen to an old song that makes you happy.
34. Watch the sunrise or sunset.
35. Have a conversation with a stranger.
36. Book a trip or get lost in parts of your town you’ve never experienced.
37. Make a cup of tea.
38. Read a magazine.
39. Try a new makeup tutorial.
40. Send someone a post card.
41. Bake a cake and decorate it beautifully.
42. Melt chocolate and enjoy chocolate covered strawberries with a friend.
43. Stretch your body.
44. Go for a jog on a different route.
45. Buy fresh flowers to put in your home.
46. Take the scenic route instead of the fastest route.
47. See a movie on your own.
48. Ask an old friend how things are going.
49. Buy the person behind you coffee.
50. Buy something you’ve been eyeing on the Internet.
51. Create a website.
52. Go to a place you normally would avoid.
53. Make a list of things you’re extremely lucky to have.
54. Make a list of all the things you love in your life.
55. Take pictures of important moments.