15 College Graduates Share Their Biggest Fear About Entering ‘The Real World’

"Money management. Admittedly, I was very privileged in college and had a lot of help from my family with tuition and other finances. The idea of having to do it all on my own really scares me."




“Dating. The actual process of going out on a date terrifies me. In college, you just started hooking up with someone or hanging out. It was all very informal. I have no idea how to approach dating outside of school.”

— Laura


“I was scared of having so much free time. It sounds silly but I was SUPER involved in college and I was scared that I would lack connection and would get depressed.”

— Savannah


“Securing health insurance.”

— T


“Making new friends. In school, you have most of the people you really love and care about within walking distance. The idea of leaving that behind is really jarring.”

— Alex


“Ending up in a dead-end job that I don’t enjoy and makes me feel like my degree was a waste of time and money.”

— Stefani


“Not knowing what I’m doing with my life.”

— Tim


“Money management. Admittedly, I was very privileged in college and had a lot of help from my family with tuition and other finances. The idea of having to do it all on my own really scares me.”

— Holly


“Supporting myself with just a BA. It’s getting harder and harder to land a good job even WITH a college degree.”

— Billie


“My loans. They’re looming over me like this giant, dark cloud and it’s so bleak. But at least I’m not alone in this misery. My friends and I always make sure to cheers to our debt when we’re out to laugh off the pain a bit.”

— Jules


“Falling in love. I thought I’d meet my person in college. But I didn’t.”

— Alice


“Needing to move back in with my parents. I know it’s not something to be ashamed of, but it would still make me feel like a failure. I’m hoping to avoid it. But there’s never a guarantee.”

— Elena


“I got a job across the country, so I’m moving away right after graduation. I don’t know anyone where I’m moving so the idea of starting over and needing to make friends is pretty overwhelming.”

— Eugene


“Money. Money. Money.”

— Blake


“Not living up to my full potential. Whatever the f*ck that means.”

— Vince


“I don’t know that there’s one specific fear I have. The idea of a big change is just scary in itself. But in a good way, I think.”

— Keisha

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