I Don’t Want To Take Shortcuts In Life
I don’t want to take shortcuts to find love. I want to fall in love with a lot of wrong people and get heartbroken a few times, because this is how you grow, this how you become wiser and this is when you learn how to be compassionate, how to be kind and how fragile…
By Rania Naim
I don’t want to take shortcuts to achieve my dreams. I want to take the long road; the road full of mistakes and bad choices and moments of despair. The road that seems longer and longer as the days go by and the road that almost makes me give up but forces me to fight harder.
I want the long road because it’s the journey that makes you want the dream even more and it’s the journey that will give your dream meaning and it’s the journey that will truly change your life.
I want a journey that’s full of struggles, obstacles, surprises, heart breaks, laughter, tears and battles. I want scars and bruises. I want signs that I fought for my dream, that I learned how to make it happen, that I didn’t settle and that I survived whatever tried to destroy me.
I don’t want to take shortcuts to find love. I want to fall in love with a lot of wrong people and get heartbroken a few times, because this is how you grow, this how you become wiser and this is when you learn how to be compassionate, how to be kind and how fragile our hearts can be.
I want to have bad examples to learn from, and people I can’t forget along the way, I want to look back on all those I’ve loved and understand why it never lasted and why it never worked out, but more than anything, I want these people to be living proof that I’m still capable of loving, I’m still capable of trying and I’m still capable of forgiving.
I want them to be a sign of my strength, of how I put myself first when I walked away and how I found a way to love myself even if they didn’t love me back. I want them to be memories of who I used to be and who I’m becoming and I want them to be the reason why I’ll be the best possible person for the one I’ll end up with.
I don’t want to take shortcuts to make friends. I want to meet all kinds of people, I want to meet who don’t resemble me at all and learn to accept and love their differences and I want to meet people who are so much like me to know that I’m not alone and that someone out there was sent along to be on the same path with me so we can lean on each other.
I want to talk to strangers about life and experiences and learn from their wisdom and I want to be around people who make the world a better place. People who dream, people who love, people who want to make a difference and people who are trying to make the best out of their lives.
I want to find them after I’ve been around people who let me down, people who made me feel alone, people who judged me because they couldn’t understand me and people who didn’t believe in me, because this is how you learn to distinguish between the real ones and the fake ones and this is how you learn not to let yourself be defined by what other people think of you.
I don’t want to take shortcuts to anything worth having because shortcuts make you miss the beauty of the road, the surprises you see on the way, the people you meet in traffic and the pretty views you drive by when the road is long. Shortcuts make the drive quick and unexciting but the real road is full of surprises, full of bumps, full of incidents that will teach you something and full of moments that can change your life. You don’t learn how to drive so you can take shortcuts; you learn how to drive so you can take the real road, the highway and handle any circumstances you face on the way. Shortcuts can sometimes lead to dead ends but the long road is endless.