15 Men Share The Most Common Thing They Lie To Their Girlfriends About
“How attractive I find her friends. It’s not as if I’d ever cheat on her. I love my girlfriend. I can’t help it if her best friend is a total babe. But I’m smart enough to never say that thought out loud.”
— Trevor, 24
“Work stuff. I’m in a very stressful career and I don’t always feel like talking about it. I’m definitely guilty of saying everything’s fine when shit actually just hit the fan. But I don’t need her overly worried until there’s ACTUALLY a reason to be.”
— Christian, 27
“Porn. I lie a lot about porn.”
— Brandon, 24
“I never flat out lie. But there are times I definitely selectively choose what I tell her. For example, if she asks me about a girl she’s seen comment on my photos or something, I’ll say she’s a friend. I don’t need to say we drunkenly hooked up one time in college.”
— Elijah, 25
“There’s this girl that hangs out in my group of friends that my girlfriend HATES. She’s tried explaining it to me before, but to be honest, I still don’t get why there’s such animosity. So, a lot of times when I go to hang with my buddies and do something, she’s there. I just leave that out of the story when I later tell my girlfriend.”
— Mark, 22
“How many girls I’ve been with. I round the number down…significantly.”
— Sam, 24
“That my mom likes her. I’m not trying to hurt my girlfriend’s feelings. I’m not a monster.”
— Ian, 27
“I’m the kind of person who really craves my space and alone time. My girlfriend is the total opposite. It can be hard to tell someone, ‘I love you, but I don’t want to be around anyone right now’ without them personalizing it. Sometimes I’ll tell little, white lies to just get some me time. Like I’ll say I have work I need to get done when in reality, I’m sitting on the couch with a cold beer in hand.”
— Austin, 30
“Sex stuff. I’m not going to get into the specifics, but let’s just say my girlfriend and I have very different definitions of ‘kinky’.”
— JD, 27
“I’m a very noncommittal person in all aspects of my life. I was a nomad for a long time after college. Getting into a monogamous relationship was a huge (and out of character) step for me and, as much as I adore my girlfriend, I still get freaked out occasionally. But it’s not something I ever tell her about. I guess that’s not an outright lie, but it isn’t totally honest either.”
— Adam, 32
“My buddy likes going to the strip club. I don’t like them as much as he does, but I’m also not going to pass up seeing ass and titties when I’m invited along. It’s definitely not an activity I tell my girlfriend about.”
— Anthony, 27
“My girlfriend doesn’t shave her armpits and theoretically, I support it. Why should she be expected to do something that I don’t do just because she’s a woman? So one one hand, I get it. But on the other…I would never, EVER say this to her, but it kind of grosses me out.”
— Cole, 26
“My past relationships. I tell her she’s the only person to ever make me feel the way she does. But that’s not entirely true.”
— Jake, 21
“If I’ve ever fantasized about someone else during sex. C’mon, of course I have.”
— Brock, 24
“Oh man, this would get me in so much trouble if I ever told her, but I definitely lie about liking her friends. They’re the most shrill group of women I’ve ever met. They make her happy though, so I do what a good boyfriend does and I keep my mouth shut. But god damn, group date night is my actual nightmare.”
— Drake, 25