To My Best Friend On Her Wedding Day: 30 Things I Want You Know

1. Today is the first day of your new life with him. And he is lucky because you will make his mornings brighter and his nights sweeter.
2. I know he is your man now but you can still count on me.
3. The day we’ve been dreaming about is finally here and I know you are smiling because you finally realized I was right when I told you he will find you one day.
4. I know you’re looking back and laughing at all the frogs you’ve kissed before and how hung up you were on them and I know you’re smiling because these days are over and you found a real man who can cherish you and appreciate you.
5. I will cry during my toast – I apologize in advance for ruining your makeup.
6. If you ever feel like you’re not good enough for him, I want you to remember today and the way he looked at you as you were walking down the aisle.
7. Ever since I met him and I knew he deserved you, I’m sorry I gave him a hard time but I had to make sure that he is willing to fight for you.
8. I hope he loves you in a way that makes you believe in love every single day and tell your mom how happy he makes you so she can finally sleep at night.
9. I hope he listens to you when you’re down and go out of his way to make you smile.
10. I hope he likes your weird obsessions and your eccentric tastes, I hope he supports your dreams even if he can’t understand them.
11. I hope he always puts you first, I hope he knows that life is incomplete without you, that all the good things in life won’t mean a thing if he is not sharing them with you. I hope you become the only thing he truly can’t live without.
12. I hope he understands that I am not going anywhere and he should expect me to show up uninvited and call you whenever I feel like it.
13. I hope you can completely be yourself with him; with all your flaws and imperfections, I hope he finds them endearing and beautiful and doesn’t try to change them.
14. Even though I hate to give up my spot, but I hope he becomes your best friend, the one you can talk to about anything, the one you can trust with your life, the one you can reveal your secrets to and know that he won’t judge you. I hope he becomes the male version of me.
15. I hope you can sit together in silence and still be happy, I hope you can have endless conversations with him and not get bored.
16. I hope you’re finally happy that you will be able to have someone for the holidays, someone you can spoil and cook for. Someone to just cuddle with in front of the Christmas tree and sing ‘All I Want For Christmas’ to.
17. If he ever hurts you, I hope he knows you have an army of women ready to take him down.
18. If he ever hurts you, I hope you know that you can always come crying to me no matter how long we’ve gone without talking to each other.
19. I hope he fulfills all his vows and I hope he promises more as time goes by.
20. He will give you the kids you always wanted and you will love him even more for it.
21. I hope your daughter has your sense of humor and your kindness. And I hope your son has his chivalry and his determination.
22. I will come to your daughter’s dance recitals and your son’s football games. Save a spot for me.
23. We’ll still have our inside jokes that he will never get.
24. Even though I will still see you, I will miss the random adventures and random trips we used to take. I will miss the days when you had all the time in the world for me, now I have to share it with someone else.
25. I will always be the one you fell in love with at first sight.
26. I promise you I will be his friend too and try to understand him, but he has to know that I will always be on your side.
27. I want you to know that you are a person worthy of all the love in the world and that you make him happy – even if you don’t believe it, you do! You make people happy.
28. I want you to know that you give me hope, and you always did. You gave me hope that love exists and that it can be both pure and strong and it can definitely heal people. Your love is mystical.
29. I want you to know that as you walk away with him to start a new life that it will not always be easy, but if you can love him and forgive him as much as you love me and forgive me – your marriage will last and it will blossom and it will only grow stronger.
30. I want you to know that no matter what, I’ll always be there for you and I will never stop loving you.