14 Men Admit What Their Girlfriends Do That Makes Them Extremely Jealous
"I don't get jealous when she flirts with other guys, I get jealous when the dog gets more attention than I do."

1. “I don’t get jealous when she flirts with other guys, I get jealous when the dog gets more attention than I do.” —Jake, 25
2. “If you fully trust her, there’s nothing she will do that makes you jealous.” —Michael, 26
3. “She always talks about how hot my brother is, and then she’ll back it up with ‘You two look alike so it’s a compliment!’ It’s not flattering that I’m convinced you want to sleep with my brother.” —Mario, 24
4. “She blatantly tries to get me jealous by telling me every time some other guy hits on her (which is often), and it never works. If anything that just makes me realize how lucky I am that she’s with me.” —Andy, 23
5. “She travels a lot for work, and I get extremely jealous of one of her co-workers. I completely trust her, but when you’re spending all day together and are staying in the same hotel, I wish that time was mine.” —Jeff, 25
6. “My girlfriend has a best friend that’s a dude. She justifies it with the whole ‘We’ve been friends forever, he’s like a brother to me,’ but I’m sure he doesn’t see it as a brotherly-type relationship, or at least hopes it’s not. I know she doesn’t want anything from him, but it makes me uncomfortable when they hangout alone. My girlfriend’s amazing, but guys can be pigs.” —John, 26
7. “She has an obsession with Channing Tatum, and I not only look nothing like him, but am definitely not built like him. Makes me wonder if she’s actually attracted to me, or I just have ‘an awesome personality.'” —Luke, 24
8. “I get jealous when she posts a sexy instagram and I’m not the only guy who gets to see it, and my blood starts to boil when I read other dudes’ comments. Yes, I know my girlfriend is extremely attractive, but is that ‘dayum’ really necessary?” —Bryan, 24
9. “I only get jealous when she flirts with other guys in front of me, if she does it and I’m not there, and then tells me about it later, I don’t care. The jealousy comes from seeing it happen, not hearing about it.” —Ezra, 26
10. “Not gonna lie, I get super jealous of ‘girl’s night.’ I love a night with my boys, but I’m always thinking about her when it’s happening, and I am 95% certain that when she’s got a glass of red wine, with a rom com and her girls, she’s definitely not thinking about me.” —Sam, 24
11. “Is it weird that I’m jealous of her brother? They’ve got a pretty tight relationship, and it can’t help that he doesn’t like me. Dating a girl with a brother sucks.” —Alex, 25
12. “I’m not jealous of her in a weird over-controlling boyfriend way, if anything I’m jealous of her ability to make everyone in a room like her. Wish I was a people person like she is.” —Paul, 24
13. “I get jealous of all the dudes she snapchats. Why are you snapchatting random guys? If your cleavage is even remotely visible in the picture they’re going to want to screenshot it, and I’ll be damned if another guy screenshots my girlfriend’s snaps.” —Kyle, 23
14. “She texts her ex, because she claims they’re ‘friends,’ but it still makes me jealous that she stays in touch with someone she used to bang. I don’t talk to my exes.” —Will, 24