How Your First Love Lives On Inside Of You

Your first love is nowhere and everywhere all at once. And you are living on and well inside their realm as well.


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Basheer Tome

The first person you ever loved, perhaps, has faded away.

Perhaps it has been days, or months, or even years since you last spoke.

Perhaps the finest moments you shared with them are now locked away in a storage space that you’ve forgotten how to re-open.

But they are still very much alive.

The love that taught you how to long for someone without boundaries can now be found in the empty spaces between your fingertips those nights you spend in bed alone.

The thousands of miles that kept you both apart now seems trivial compared to the few minutes before the bar closes, as you contemplate your next move. That first incredible spark that woke you up from years of static living now propels the little butterfly inside your tummy that flutters right before each date with someone new.

They are there in your early mornings when you’ve learned how to love yourself, to the coldest of nights because they taught you that being alone does not necessarily mean feeling lonely.

In so many ways that you know and do not know, they continue to steer you towards where you’re meant to be – no matter how things ended however long ago.

Your first love is nowhere and everywhere all at once. And you are living on and well inside their realm as well. Thought Catalog Logo Mark