18 Promises To My Sister
9. I promise to always send an ugly Snapchat back in response to yours (granted that screenshots are off limits).
1. I promise to always give you an honest opinion. Too many people in this world say what they think you want to hear, but I’ll always give you the truth.
2. I promise to always forgive you for borrowing my favorite sweater and spilling miscellaneous food items all over it.
3. I promise to always help you clear the junk from your life. Whether it’s moving out or moving on, I’ll be there with rubber gloves and a trash bag to get rid of all the unnecessary.
4. I promise to volunteer to be your maid of honor. If the time comes and you decide to pick someone else, I could also take the role of overly enthusiastic bridesmaid who makes matching t-shirts for the whole wedding party – but I prefer maid of honor.
5. I promise to never stop stealing your belts, hairclips, sweatshirts, and flip-flops. You can try to hide them all you want, but I’ll definitely keep finding them.
6. I promise to not intentionally ignore more than one phone call in a row. I can’t promise it will never happen because let’s face it: sometimes you irritate me. So a one-call maximum is much more realistic.
7. I promise to always steal bites off your plate, and I’ll try to resist smacking your hand with my fork when you try to steal from mine.
8. I promise to always offer you a cup of tea when you mention you’re feeling under the weather. We both know it heals a hurting heart and a hurting head.
9. I promise to always send an ugly Snapchat back in response to yours (granted that screenshots are off-limits).
10. I promise to tell you if an outfit doesn’t suit you, but I won’t be overly critical. I’ll also tell you when something looks amazing on you.
11. I promise to never intentionally put straightened hair or your cell phone at risk of water damage.
12. I promise to give hugs when you need them most, even though I’ve shrugged off your attempts to tackle me in bear hugs on more than one occasion.
13. I promise to always paint your nails if you ask me to.
14. I promise to always accompany you in the awkward corner of family parties and discuss our lack of belonging in both the “adult” group and the “kids” group.
15. I promise to continue to leave you notes in various places just saying hello: on your bulletin board, in your daily planner, etc.
16. I promise to take an incredibly ugly picture from your childhood and make it my Woman Crush Wednesday just to embarrass you.
17. I promise to continue to make you playlists and mix CDs until playlists and mix CDs are no longer in existence.
18. I promise to love you more than any lame sister quote, movie reference, or song lyric could ever explain, and I’ll always be your best friend.