Ouija: Origin of Evil / Universal Pictures

3 Scary Movies On Netflix That Are Perfect For Horror Newbies

Watch these movies when you're a horror beginner.


So you want to big a horror fan, but you don’t know where to start.

I get it! While I may have started in the genre very young (I’m from a horror family. We passed down are love of the macabre through the generations), I’ve met so many people who were beginners at the the spooky and scary. And with so many subgenres and so many film snobs who are more than happy to tell you what not to watch, it can be damn near impossible to figure out what to watch first. Have no fear! (Okay, have a little bit of fear–that’s the nature of horror.) I’ve found three beginner horror movies that you’ll love. Best of all, they’re all on Netflix so you can see them in one place.

Fear Street Part One: 1994 (2021)


Based on R.L. Stine’s young adult horror novels, it follows a group of teens being terrorized by the spirits of long-dead serial killers that plague the town’s past. Although this colorful supernatural teen horror movie is the first in a three-part series, it also feels like its own encapsulated story. And it may just make you want to watch the final two in the trilogy!

Creep (2014)


A man with a terminal illness hires a stranger to help him film a video for his family. “Found footage” horror movies are a staple of the genre, and Creep is a great intro. Filled mostly with improv from two hilarious actors, it’s equal parts creepy and silly. This is perfect for a night when you want to feel uneasy but don’t want any blood or gore.

Ouija: Origin of Evil (2016)

Universal Pictures

Ghosts are often the first things that people like to watch when they’re getting into horror, and this is a good choice for one of your first forays. While Ouija: Origin of Evil is actually a prequel to a 2014 movie, it’s by far the better of the two. It was also written and directed by Mike Flanagan, who should also be on your radar for the many amazing horror series he’s done for Netflix as well. (In fact, you should start watching The Haunting of Hill House when you’re done with these movies.)