You Can Finally See ‘Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith’ In Theaters Again. Here’s How


Revenge of the Sith is celebrating its 20th anniversary this year. To give fans the most opportunity to enjoy the classic Star Wars movie, it will be returning to theaters once more — for just one week this time.

It was first released in theaters on May 19th, 2005. This year’s one-week run will see it leave theaters just before the official anniversary date — but this release schedule will give moviegoers more opportunity to purchase weekend tickets.

Revenge of the Sith will first arrive in theaters on Friday, April 25th. The run will end a week later. 

This time around, you’ll be able to see Revenge of the Sith in 4DX — a format that uses both moving seats and environmental effects to bring the movie quite literally to life. If you’re interested in viewing the Star Wars film in a more classic movie theater format, you’ll of course have that option as well.

Select theaters across the nation will be re-releasing the movie, though they’ll all follow the same release date and week-long run. 

Some speculate that — after this 20th anniversary celebration — we may well be getting to see “Star Wars: A New Hope” re-releasing for its 50th anniversary two years from now in 2027. It’s doubtful that any continued Star Wars re-releases will be much longer than a week (or two at most) given the fact that they are all re-runs, but given the fact that Revenge of the Sith is not the first Star Wars re-run of its kind, there will undoubtedly be opportunities for more Star Wars movies to return in the near future. 

About the author

Nina Sterle

Writer and blogger with a penchant for the cosmos.