Reasons He Keeps Watching Your Instagram Stories After You Breakup

It’s Saturday morning and you open up Instagram to rewatch your own Story (we all do it, no shame) after you posted a few fun pictures and videos after a night out with your girlfriends. You check to see who viewed the documentation of your shenanigans when you realize your ex is one of them.

Your breath catches as you stare at his name, a name you haven’t seen on your phone screen since he called you before breaking up. You may feel a mix of hope and dread. But mostly, you probably feel confused.

Why is he checking up on you? Was it an accident? Does he want to reach out? Is he just bored? WHAT IS THE REASON???

Here’s the thing: his viewing of your Instagram Stories could mean something or it could truly mean nothing at all. But which one is it? That is the question. While there’s no way to know for sure, here are some reasons your ex may continue to watch your Instagram Stories.

He was watching a bunch of stories at once and accidentally viewed yours.

Based on the way Instagram functions, he very well could have just been scrolling through the most recent Instagram Stories on his feed and came across your Story during that time. This is especially likely if he only views your Stories once in a while or falls off the views as your Story goes on.

He misses you.

He could be watching your Instagram Stories because it’s the only way he can still experience you in some capacity, even if it’s virtual. He may miss you and what you two had. He may have regrets. If your breakup was recent, he may still be trying to process what happened, and seeing what you’re up to may be a way he’s trying to cope.

He wants to keep tabs on you.

In a not so romantic sense, he may be opening your Instagram Story simply to keep tabs on you. He may be curious how you spend your time now. He may be checking to see if you’re dating someone new and if you’ve moved on.

He wants to get your attention.

By now, we all know how Instagram works. He absolutely knows you can see that he’s looked at your Story, so he may be trying to get your attention or get some kind of a reaction out of you.

That said, the reason why he wants to get your attention may not be the purest of intentions. He may want to trip you up or prevent you from moving on. Or he might want to get you to reach out.

What To Do If Your Ex Keeps Watching Your Stories

What it comes down to, you can never truly know why your ex is watching your Stories. You can’t read minds. The only thing you can accurately assess is how you feel when you see him viewing your Instagram Stories. Do you feel pain? Sadness? Anger? Annoyance? Nothing at all? Let those emotions be your guide. These are signals.

If any uncomfortable feelings arise when you see his name, remove him as a follower or block him. There’s no problem with doing that. Social media has added a whole new battleground to breakups, one you don’t have to engage in if you don’t want to. Ultimately, it’s about doing what’s right for you and your healing.

About the author

Molly Burford

Writer. Editor. Hufflepuff. Dog person.