I Will Forget You When You Forget Me

 iStockPhoto.com / Martin Dimitrov
iStockPhoto.com / Martin Dimitrov

I will forget you when you no longer ask my friends about me and wonder if I’m happy or sad or if I’m seeing someone new.

I will forget you when you no longer wish me well and congratulate me on my achievements and say ‘I told you so.’

I will forget you when you stop calling me on my birthday at 12 AM every year and I can hear the tenderness in your voice.

I will forget you when I run into you and I stop seeing the same smile across your face. The smile that says I miss you and I’m sorry.

I will forget you when you stop showing up on my timeline one way or another; liking things you know I’d see or liking things I talked to you about.

I will forget you when you stop sending me poems and songs you’d think I like, when you’re pretty much sending me a message through them, asking me to read between the lines.

I will forget you when my heart tells me that you’ve truly moved on but it keeps telling me that I’m still there with no room for anyone else.

I will forget you when you stop asking all the right questions; the questions people fail to even think of, the questions that you know I want to answer and answer only to you.

I will forget you when your friends stop saying your name in front of me, when they stop bringing you up in every single conversation and when you stop telling them to talk you up when they see me.

I will forget you when you stop caring, when you stop calling if something bad happened to me, when you call sometimes to just to check up on me and when you call when you want to make sure I’ll still answer.

I will forget you when your mom stops calling me every now and then just to say she misses me, I will forget you when she calls and I know you’re not right beside her.

I will forget you when I find someone who doesn’t make me go home and think about you and how different it was between us.

I will forget you when you truly act like a ‘friend’ instead of hiding behind that label out of fear, out of confusion and out of insecurity.

I will forget you when life becomes too hard to handle and I can’t count on you because you still manage to be there when I need you.

I will forget you when you become too busy for me like you are with your friends, when you stop answering my texts during the day and when you stop responding to even the silliest of them.

I will forget you when you no longer make me smile, because somehow you still do and somehow no one else can.

I will forget you when I feel like our story is over, when we’re running out of pages, but for now, we still have a lot of pages to fill, for now our story is being rewritten.

I will forget you when I know for sure that you don’t remember me anymore, for as long as you will remember me, I will remember you. Thought Catalog Logo Mark

Writing makes me feel alive. Words heal me.

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