This Is Why I’m Letting You Go (For Good)


I’m letting you go because I shouldn’t have to convince you to stay.

I shouldn’t have to think about ways to win you back. I shouldn’t have to cease standing my ground. I shouldn’t have to talk you into getting back with me. I shouldn’t have to do any of those things because if you did love me, you would have cared enough to listen, and you would have cared enough to understand that I make mistakes in the same way you do.

I’m letting you go because I shouldn’t have to ask you to fight for me and what we have.

I shouldn’t have to ask you to give us a chance because if you really did love me, you already would. You wouldn’t have given up.

I’m letting you go because, time and time again, you had a choice—and you didn’t choose me.

I’m letting you go because I’ve done all that I could and there isn’t more that I can do to salvage things. I’m letting you go because I’d do anything, and yet you’d rather take a hold of your pride and stand at a distance from me. I’m letting you go because I still want to fix things, and you keep saying that you need more time.

I’m letting you go because love isn’t like that. Love doesn’t give up. Love listens. Love forgives. Love tries again.

I shouldn’t have to make a choice for us because you’re unsure. I shouldn’t have to wait for you to make up your mind about us. I shouldn’t have to coerce you to stay.

And for that, I’m letting you go.