Here Is What You Can Do To Build The Life And Career You Want


The world is changing rapidly. The way we work will keep changing. Entire industries are crumbling. Robots are eating careers. People are scared of losing their jobs. Nobody is safe. It’s hard to predict the next big thing. Until it’s here. But you can change with time to be relevant when the future is here.

People are now empowered to express themselves more than ever. The opportunities to create, to become a part of a global conversation and transformation are now more than you can ever imagine. There are now more free online resources to help you start and pursue your life’s work than you can ever imagine.

You can take your idea, business, or career, and turn it into something truly successful and amazing.

It’s easier to transform your passion into your job than finding a job that matches what you love to do.

What will you do with that?

What will your place be in this new, interesting world? Will you have a voice? Will you be a creator, or just a consumer?

You can do something.

Do something interesting, meaningful, different, amazing, and truly remarkable. You have a choice. Choose to show your most amazing work to the world.

Inappropriate attention to detail is the reason why you have not launched your work. By all means, get it right but don’t aim for perfection.

Constantly push to evolve your ideas, even if you are not ready to launch your life’s work yet. Don’t get stuck!

“Whatever you dream you can do, begin it. Boldness has genius, power, and magic in it. Begin it now.” — Goethe

Be a part of the conversation, and say something remarkable. Create something unique, new, beautiful. Build upon the works of others and transform it into your own.

Don’t be subject to the tyranny of “how things have always been done.” Find your true north and push past the default.

What you can choose to do to build a life that matters:

If you enjoy writing, find a topic you’re passionate about and start a website dedicated to covering that topic. Write a book. Or an ebook. If you’re good with words, you might be able to find some work as an online freelancer.

Share your tips with others online or through a free ebook. Write poetry and publish it on the web. Create interesting, lovely, or funny videos. Put them on YouTube.

Create an app that will solve a problem in people’s lives. Become a watchdog to replace the faltering newspapers. Explore the world, and blog about it.

Try something you’ve always been afraid to try, and put it on video. Be yourself, loudly. Start a new company, doing only one thing, but doing it very well.

Almost everyone uses Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram these days. Learn everything about socail media and reach out to help manage relevant company social media accounts. You can find opportunities on freelance websites like Freelancer and Upwork.

Start a business that does a service you’ve always wanted, or that you are frustrated with in other companies because the service sucks. Put your heart into something.

Say something that no one else dares to say. Do something others are afraid to do. Help someone no one else cares to help. Make the lives of others better. If you’re in good shape, you can start an YouTube channel to teach people how to be fit. Or create courses on Udemy on your favourite subjects.

Make music that makes others want to weep, to laugh, to create. Inspire others by being inspiring. Teach young people to do amazing things. Write a play, get others to act in it, record it. Empower others to do things they’ve never been able to do before.

Read, and read, and then write. Love, and love, and then help others to love. Do something good and ask others to pass it on. Be profound. Find focus in a world without it.

If you’re passionate about the business world or able to influence and encourage others in your own unique way, you may want to consider marketing your services as a business or life coach.

Become minimalist in a world of dizzying complexity. Reach out to those who are frustrated, depressed, angry, confused, sad, hurt. Be the voice for those without one. Learn, do, then teach.

Meet new people, become fast friends. Dare to be wrong. Take lots and lots of pictures. Explore new cultures. Be different. Paint a huge mural. Create a web comic. Be a dork, but do it boldly.

Interview people. Observe people. Create new clothes. Take old stuff and make new stuff from it. Read weird stuff. Study the greats, and emulate them.

Be interested in others. Surprise people. Cook great food, and share it. Be open-minded. Help someone else start a small business. Focus on less but do it better.

Become an Uber or Lyft driver during your downtime. Start an online shop on Shopify. Create and sell stuff on Etsy. Buy local and in-demand products at a discount and resell them on eBay for profit. If you excel at capturing a story through the lens, become photograher and share your work online. Begin to connect.

Help others achieve their dreams. Put a smile on someone’s face, every day. Start an open-source project. Make a podcast. Start a movement. Be brave. Be honest. Be hilarious. Get really, really good at something. Practice a lot. A lot. Start now. Try.

If you’re willing to take the risk of sharing yourself and your ideas with the world, you can create value you will be proud of.

Show up everyday and work on your most important life work. Whether the outcome is magnificent or eternal, whether it changes people’s lives, changes the world, or changes you, it matters that you show up.

By focusing on doing the one thing that excites you, you not only give yourself a shot at putting in the effort to become amazingly great at something, but you also make it easier for potential customers or employers to see you as “the guy who’s really great at that thing.”

If you pursue your dreams long enough, compounding takes effect. Momentum will surge. Don’t give up just yet. Action begets outcome. Outcome begets action. Rinse, lather, and repeat and you have momentum. You’ll become unstoppable.

Start. Move, make, create, ship, do. Just start. That’s what entrepreneurs do. They start. They start something. Sometimes it is something big. Sometimes it is a big failure. Either way, they get stuff done.

Don’t invest in a career. Build a life. Take your dreams seriously.