7 Things Veep Teaches You About The Job Hunt


In season 3 of Veep, Selina Meyer and staff were on what might be called the toughest job hunt in the world: becoming president. It took a lot of hard work, dedication, and the occasional cursing out of a colleague. Since so many of us are out there looking for a job, it’s time to learn a lesson from Selina Meyer.

Caution: This contains major spoilers for season 3. You’ve been warned.

1. There will be a million setbacks, but you’ll get through them.

Every time you get that rejection e-mail or do an application you know is going to be stuck in online purgatory, you may want to throw it all in. Another day will come and with it another opportunity to prove yourself. It’s not over ‘til it’s over. Kent can crunch the numbers to prove that’s true.

2. Clean up your profile.

Every thing you’ve ever put on social media is up for grabs. You may not be under the presidential campaign microscope but it’s important not to let past mistakes ruin your future job prospects.

3. Know your stuff.

Immigration reform, the economy and Syria probably won’t come up in your interview. You have to know what you’re talking about, though. Learn everything about the company. Memorize that job description. Write down your strengths, skills, and questions for the interviewer in preparation. You will look knowledgable and ready for whatever the job might throw at you.

4. Never burn bridges.

You never know who has a powerful uncle who can deliver the elderly vote, or whatever the equivalent is in your field. The person who can help you get that job might be the person you least expect.

5. Celebrate a little, then work a lot.

When you get an interview or maybe even the job, celebrate. Go out with your friends. Call your dad saying you won’t be bugging him for money anymore. Buy that purse you’ve been waiting for. Then take a minute and get to work. Everything can change in a second. (It sure did for Vice President Meyer.) As hard as it may be, don’t get too comfortable. Work hard enough where letting you go would be as stupid a decision as Mike buying that boat.

6. Have a good support team.

If everyone had their own Gary, job hunting would be a breeze. Lipstick and tissues would always be on hand. Unfortunately, broke 20-year-olds can’t hire a man to follow them around, so they have to rely on friends and family to help get through it.

7. You might not get there the way you wanted to, but you’ll get there.

In the big twist of Veep’s final episodes, Selina gets the job — President of the United States — but only after POTUS resigns to take care of his mentally unstable wife. It may not have been the best way to get there, but she’s the one in the West Wing now. If your dream job is, say, editor of a magazine, you may have to take a couple odd jobs — work at Barnes and Noble, do social media for some start-up — but it can all culminate in the dream job. Oval Office and corner office alike.

And remember: The world is full of Jonahs. Be the Amy.

featured image – Veep