7 Essential Mantras For When You’re Doing The Work Of Self-Healing


1. Hard times are transitional

This too shall pass. Nothing lasts forever, not even this (momentary) suffering. Keep breathing, feeling and intuitively navigating. The path of self-healing is a walk home, back to yourself, the wholeness of your heart, and the song of your soul.

2. RIP Old Self, You Served A Great Purpose

You can never go back to the person you were — no matter how hard you try, no matter the amount of fantastical time travel. Those experiences have passed. You’ve changed, and resistance is futile. Being mindful and loving towards who you are in this moment, heals emotional scar tissue and strengthens your emotional muscles. So embrace this moment, the person you are within this breath, and be here now. And now. And now.

3. The monsters of your life are great teachers

Those haters, naysayers and betrayers offer you a map back to the root of your pain. See the signs, follow the clues and listen to the clairvoyance of your intuitive heart. And remember, forgiveness does not mean it’s OK what they did, but that you set their soul and your soul free — that you’re moving on and choosing inner peace.

4. Remember your superpower is to choose

Your ability to decide your attitude towards everything, everyone and every situation in your life, awakens the wisdom of your inner alchemist. And it changes everything, now and forever. So remember your power to make choices that serve your truths, authenticity, personal healing and soulful purpose, even if you don’t fully understand what this could mean. Even if you’re not sure how it could feel. You are and always will be, the one who saves your life.

5. Give yourself permission to make it safely to the other side of your pain, delusions, and self-doubt

It doesn’t require leaps and bounds to self-heal, just an opening up to the possibility of living differently. Because you are worthy of a more love-filled, patient kind of life, you are, and always will be.

6. Do not believe the things you tell yourself while possessed by the demons of your inner shit

You can’t hide from your inner shit. You can’t sleep it off, surgically remove it, eat, buy, wish or exercise it away. You have to turn towards it. Embrace it. Be patient and tender, then get so intimate with it, until it shows you another way, a new and different you.

7. Remember you’re not alone, not now, now ever

Share your weird, your bizarre, the scarred lining of your heart, and your darkest parts of the night poetry. And other dream weavers will greet you, and we’ll continue to walk each other home, one breath and one step at a time.

There’s a time for cord cutting, letting go and breaking free.
There’s a time for shape shifting, evolving and time machines.
There’s a time for forgiveness, being there and empathy.
There’s a time for heart sewing, strength building and surviving.
There’s a time for waking wild, moon bathing and wild messy.
And, there’s a time for just letting you be you and what will be, be.

So cut cords when you need to cut cords. Battle when you need to battle. Bathe in sunshine or moonbeams when you’re called to the wild. And rest into yourself, and flow with life’s river every chance you’re called to simply surrender.

Healing is f*cking messy, and you’re worthy of its risk — of what’s on the other side of pain, of the ecstasy within life’s ache.