Date A Girl Who Travels


Date a girl who travels because she will challenge you. She will encourage you. She will inspire you. She will be with you for you.

The girl who travels doesn’t waste her time. It’s her most precious resource. If she’s dating you it means she saw something, she felt something, she was intrigued by something in you.

She may not be the most beautiful, she’ll certainly not be the most dolled up, but she will be the most authentic. For better or worse. She knows who she is, she knows what she is capable of (lots), she says what she thinks and she knows what she wants and what she doesn’t. She knows she’ll be fine with or without you. But she chooses to be with you.

She’s not searching for money, status or looks, she’s searching for learning and experiences and if you can give her that, she’ll not leave, if you can’t she’ll move on. But she’ll have imparted on you another way of seeing things, another way of living, and another way of being.

She’ll have taught you about the history of the Balkans, swearwords in various languages, dances from the Middle East, social justice issues in the Amazon, and so much more. She will enrich your life.

The girl who travels may not be the period in your life but a comma, but that break, like breath in speech, is sometimes the most valuable, it allows you to collect your thoughts and carry on in your discourse. So her presence in your life, whatever the length, is worth noting, worth analyzing, and worth drawing lessons from. It’s through people like her that you learn about yourself, the world around you and how you want to make your place in it.

Dating the girl who travels is not for the faint of heart. She is easy to be in aw of, she is easy to respect, she is easy to fall in love with, but she is hard to get and even harder to hold. If you can’t do it’s okay. Let go. If you can you are very lucky. Your life together will be limitless.

Do date a girl who travels because if she falls in love with you, you’ll know it’s true. She’ll cool her heels, just for you.