Go Be With A Girl Who Isn’t Me


Go be with a girl who when you tell her what I did to you she’ll hold you and promise to never do that to you.

Go be with a girl in your own city so you can see her when you’re bored on a Tuesday night.

Go be with a girl who doesn’t think karaoke is the stupidest thing in the world.

Go be with a girl who is as competitive as you, and one that will put up with you pouting when you’re losing.

Go be with a girl who likes your boring, clean sex.

Go be with a girl who is okay with you caring for your car more than her.

Go be with a girl who wants to be in your shadow for the rest of your life.

Go be with a girl who will never get mad because heaven forbid someone is mad at you, your majesty.

Go be with a girl who doesn’t burp because that’s too unladylike.

Go be with a girl who is more comfortable in dresses than pants.

Go be with a girl who doesn’t have any guy friends so you’ll never be worried that they want to sleep with your girlfriend.

Go be with a girl who has never slept with anyone that she wasn’t dating because that’s too risky.

Go be with a girl who drinks two vodka waters and then stops drinking for the night.

Go be with a girl whose mom is her best friend.

Go be with a girl who doesn’t smoke pot because she finds it immature.

Go be with a girl who loves watching you play video games.

Go be with a girl who cooks.

Go be with a girl who whispers when she speaks.

Go be with a girl who laughs at your “jokes” and will never say anything funnier back.

Go be with a girl who doesn’t wake up on Sunday with a massive hangover.

Go be with a girl who goes to church and doesn’t swear.

Go be with a girl who is the opposite of me.

You have continuously made me feel like I’m not good enough. I’m provocative and unladylike. I’m a loud jokester who drinks like a fish and swears like a sailor. I’ll never be the girl you want me to be and I need to forgive myself for that. Your goals are unattainable for me so I leave you to go find someone else. Go find someone who blindly follows because I’m out here making my own path.