As A Queer And Jewish Woman, Here’s Why I Refuse To Be Silent About The Election Results


As a Queer and Jewish identifying woman, I am overwhelmed with fear and anger at the turn out of this election. I am baffled with the results that have divided our nation, and although I am saddened by this divide, I refuse to cooperate with those who are in support of what Donald Trump stands for: pure hatred and the destruction of human rights.

I am angry, and I accept this feeling as valid and well-founded.

Do not dare to claim my anger as invalid, unacceptable, and/or unwarranted. I am angry and I refuse to back down or subdue this anger in order to keep the peace.

I will not sit back and watch this nation be powered by this profound hatred. We are supposed to be the land of the free and the home of the brave and instead we have become a place that people are afraid to live in, pitied by countries everywhere. I am horrified at what has happened thus far with Donald Trump being the next president. Swastikas are being found, threatening my safety as a Jew. The statement “Fuck Fags” has been spread around threatening my safety as a queer individual. Assaults have happened to women in America as well.

I feel unsafe and I feel terrified.

So what do we do at this point? We stand strong, and fight for what we believe in. Do not excuse the behavior of Donald Trump and his followers. This is not a matter of opinion or disagreement. This is our human rights being threatened. I stand by this and will not back down when questioned or intimidated.

I am angry, but that doesn’t mean I am violent. I will not stoop to that level. I will act on my anger with love and a passion for justice. I encourage you to do the same. Violence and more hatred will not resolve our issues, but only make them worse.

As for many issues, silence and inaction are the deadliest on our end here. We must stay grounded in our beliefs. We must speak up and act on these beliefs. Hate will not win, love is more powerful. We have gotten too far as a nation to let this election destroy us. I will not give up, but I need you to not give up with me. I’m calling on you to honor the existence of minorities all across the country and fight with us. No one can do this alone.

For Trump supporters, if you don’t understand why I am angry, please hear me out with an open-mind. This man has threatened to put up a wall. This man is against marriage equality. This man has mocked the disabled. This man has rape accusations against him. I want you to comprehend and take this in.

He is dangerous and America has given him power.

Where does that put us minorities then? It puts us in a state of uncertainty and threatens us. For those who refuse to understand this, I want you to know that we are here and we are here to stay. We are going to be loud and proud. If you have a problem with that, then so be it, but we are not backing down.

For my allies who are at a loss of hope, know that you are not alone. Trump may have won the electoral vote but the popular vote went to Hillary. You have many people on your side, fighting for their rights. Don’t give up without a fight. We will prevail but it will take effort, strength and resiliency.

Love trumps hate and conquers all. Keep believing and keep loving. That’s how we will prevail.