Date A Guy Who Has Pets


Date a guy who loves animals, who turns into a little kid around pets and adores them to his heart’s fullest extent. He will be the guy you’ll see being dragged by a fat dog on a leash, the guy making his way through while juggling cans of pet food. Or skimming through the rows in a pet store, deciding what to get next.

Cause a guy who has pets knows how to love selflessly. He knows how to put someone else’s needs before his; he will wake up at the middle of the night to give his cat treats. He will wake up an hour early to run with his dog, he will cancel on a super fun hangout with his friends to stay home with his pet if his pet is sick. A guy who gives like that,is a guy who is not afraid to commit. He does not get intimidated by strong emotional attachments, and he knows loss. He knows how much it hurts when fate can not be altered and you have to say goodbye to a piece of you. He is loyal, and he does not feel heavy at the thought of commitment. He knows that with commitment, comes responsibility.

He promised to nurture and take care of his furry friends, and do not be fooled, its not always purrs and wagging tails. You have to give, you have to teach, and you have to BUILD a bond with them. And this precious being is capable of doing so. He is patient, and forgiving. He is aware of the little things in life; he knows that often it’s the littlest things that can bring you the warmest hugs that you need. He knows that in some sudden moment you will be grateful for your existence and this beautiful world.

Run with him when he runs with his dog; see his face light up like a kid. Watch him closely as he adores them, notice the sacrifices he makes for them. Then take him home.

Take him home and marry him if you can. Cause a guy like that already has everything you would look for in a perfect father for your kids. Marry him and get a house with a backyard and a white picket fence (nothing else will suit you two). Create a happy place together, have a lot of kids, and have a lot of pets. Go through everything together as one big happy family. Every loss, every last visit to the vet, every new kitten born. Hug and laugh and cry and just spread the warmth. Radiate love. Stick together, because you know you have a family that will always have your back and will teach you about the value of things, about relationships and make you capable of unconditional, selfless love.

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