28 Of The Best (And Uncommon) Ways To Boost Your Productivity In A Smart And Healthy Way


Producer’s note: Someone on Quora asked: What are some uncommon ways to work smarter instead of harder? Here is one of the best answers that’s been pulled from the thread.

Following is a list of hacks you can use to be more efficient and productive, working in a smarter and healthier way:

1. Find your biological prime time. This is the time when your mind is naturally most focused. Fin it out and schedule some uninterrupted work time accordingly.

2. Schedule 1-2 hours just for yourself. Having a scheduled block of uninterrupted work time, will allow you to fully focus on your tasks

3. Stop multitasking. Multitasking reduces your efficiency and performance, draining your energy faster.

4. Divide big tasks into small tasks. This will not only make the task more concrete and actionable, but it also makes it seem smaller and easier to start.

5. Tackle the worst task first. This will give you a sense of relief and energise you for the rest of your tasks.

6. o everything that takes less than two minutes, right away. Pretty straightforward. Just do it.

7. Block distracting websites. Block all those sites you know you’re easily distracted by while working. You can use apps such as StayFocusd.

8. Use the Pomodoro Technique. Time management techniques allows you to prevents burnouts and you will increases efficiency. Work on just one task for 25 minutes, then take a five minute break and repeat. Make a bigger break after three sessions.

9. Eat “brain” food. Blueberries, nuts and seeds, leafy green vegetables, avocados, fish and dark chocolate are great to boost your brainpower.

10. Use room scents. Certain scents positively influence your mood and mindset. Citrus stimulate alertness and revitalise the senses. Rosemary is perfect for fighting physical exhaustion in the morning; cinnamon improves focus and concentration; peppermint boosts energy and clear thinking.

11. Drink coffee strategically. Drink coffee between 09:30-11:30 AM and 1:30-5:00 PM when your natural cortisol level drops.

12. Watch your working hours. Working more than 50 hours per week, will produce no greater results than people who work less.

13. Set a deadline for each task. Having a deadline and limiting the timeframe for each task will allow you to focus and get things done faster. (Parkinson’s Law)

14. Delegate. If 70% of something can be done by someone else, delegate it.

15. Automate daily and weekly tasks If you have recurring tasks, find a way how to automise them. IFTTT is a great service to automise small tasks.

16. Use waiting time for small tasks. Gaps are great for answering quick emails, reaching out to somebody or read the news.

17. Track your time. Knowing where your time goes will help you to act on it and save more time in the future. RescueTime is a great for this.

18. Do similar tasks together. It helps you to optimise your time instead of wasting it by switching between those tasks throughout your day.

19. Do email response batching. Schedule exact times when you are going to check and answer to emails. In-between just delete spam and check if something is urgent.

20. Dictate. Use dictation, it’s four times faster than writing.

21. Improve your typing speed. Having great typing skills will help you to be more efficient when writing.

22. Learn speed reading. This way you can read more and faster, saving time.

23. Set the office thermostat to 70-72°F (21–22ºC). Any temperature above 73ºF (23°C) or below 68°F (20°C) decreases your productivity by 10%.

24. Use a standing desk. Don’t sit the whole day. Standing transmits a sense of urgency and allows you to be focused on the completion of your task.

25. Have a plant on your desk. Having plants nearby increases productivity and indoor air quality.

26. Clean your desk when you’re leaving the office. Chaos and clutter distract you and limit your ability to focus and to process information.

27. Take a power nap. Naps boost cognition, memory, performance, reaction times and alertness — 10–20 minutes naps are best to boost focus and productivity.

28. Procrastinate or Surf the web for 10 minutes. This will make you feel refreshed and ultimately boost your productivity.

You can find a more comprehensive list here: 100 Hacks To Get Things Done – The Ultimate Productivity List.

This answer originally appeared at Quora: The best answer to any question. Ask a question, get a great answer. Learn from experts and get insider knowledge.