21 Incredibly Sad Attempts At Food Porn


The struggle. The sadness. The overuse of flash. It’s all so unappetizing.

1. What is this giant blob of yellow? Is it supposed to be grits?

2. Something everyone from public school can relate to.


3. What is this supposed to be? Is this an actual dish?

4. Noooooo…. not the notebook paper….

5. Always important to have some spaghetti on the side of your spaghetti.


6. Is that a steak? Someone please tell me that’s not a steak.


7. At least the chicken appears to have some kind of seasoning on it.


8. Why is incorporating the melted never an option?


9. Egg mayo, which I guess is kind of like egg salad, except sadder and more liquid?


10. The Martha Stewart Classic.

11. Elaborate struggle food. (Is this technically a “lifehack”?)

12. I guess Ramen isn’t so bad…


13. This is apparently a pizza???

14. Is it sad that the least sad thing on here is going to be this McGangBang?

15. I hope the breakfast pizza isn’t sitting on a hamburger bun.

16. I would eat it, but I would hate myself the whole way.

17. Why. Why is this a thing.


18. A nice attempt at some kind of stew.


19. There is something deeply unsettling about this vegan grilled cheese.


20. Oh… okay.

21. Was this made by my college roommates? I assume so.