Today, I Challenge You To Choose Yourself


It takes courage to choose yourself.

You take care of everyone in your world and jump onto the needs of others, but how often do you raise your hand when you need one?

It takes bravery to choose yourself.

You check off goals and milestones as you go, but how many of them are ones you feel in your bones instead of what society expects of you?

It takes guts to choose yourself.

You do your best to make everyone happy and smile even when it’s hard, but can you be vulnerable enough to admit that you need something different?

It takes spirit to choose yourself.

You’re all about self-care, but how much about what you practice is beneath the bubble baths? Are you nourishing yourself down to your soul or just skin-deep?

It isn’t easy to choose yourself, but how lucky are we to have the choice?

Every day we can wake up and choose to be different. Every day we can be someone new, start something new, and begin again. Or you can just sleep in (for a few more minutes).

You can leave your story in the middle of the page and write a new one. You can quit what you settled for and buy a one-way ticket to the dreams you were too afraid to say out loud.

So how often do you choose yourself? Because you can — the choice is yours to make.

And when you do, the universe will follow you. When you stop living for other people, you can start living for your purpose.

The moment you choose yourself is the moment your desires start to manifest. All you’ve daydreamed and journaled and vision boarded — it’s coming (if you want it to).

The only thing holding you back from what you seek is to see yourself as the seeker. Choose the person behind the dreams and give them what they need.

The more you choose yourself, the more your world will align with your deepest you. It isn’t always the easiest choice to make, but I know you have what it takes.

You have what it takes to look fear in the face and pick the uncommon path — that’s where you’ll find your highest self waiting for you.

So stop searching and start listening. The universe has always been ready for you; it was only waiting until you were ready to meet your courageous self, too.