Love The Most Imperfect Parts Of Yourself


Loving yourself is a journey, not just one step. We as human beings are complex creatures, and figuring out our emotions can feel like a 10,000 piece puzzle that doesn’t seem to fit together.

Balancing life can be hard between work, friendships, relationships, family, and our own personal happiness. These pillars of life are all important, and sometimes when one pillar seems to be unstable it’s easy to be too hard on ourselves.

We aren’t perfect, and we should strive to love ourselves and learn to love our most imperfect imperfections.  Learning to love our unique beauty, our bodies, and our personalities can be a struggle at times. 

Let’s learn to give ourselves credit when credit is due. Let’s learn to love our imperfections and our flaws. Let’s learn to love one another for who they are and learn how to receive love from others even when we feel unloveable.

When things go wrong in life and one of our pillars starts to sway, let’s take a moment to love ourselves. Let’s think about why that pillar is starting to become unbalanced. Sometimes that feeling of imbalance can come from being unhappy with ourselves.

To be the best person we can be for those we care about, it’s important to love ourselves as best we can first. If we strive to become the best person we can be, and learn to love ourselves, we then can truly give ourselves to others and be the friend, spouse, significant other, or sibling that we can possibly be.

Loving ourselves is a process, and does require upkeep. We need to make time for ourselves, and make time for our own thoughts. We need to keep reminding ourselves why we are who we are, and what brought us to today.

If it is possible to love ourselves 100%, that is what we should strive for. We need to respect ourselves as much as we respect others in our life that we look up to. We need to be patient with ourselves, because humans make mistakes.

Love isn’t always instantaneous. It grows over time. Love requires patience, respect, fear, openness, and transparency. Let’s remember these things always when we look at ourselves in the mirror. Let’s remember that we are on a journey, and maybe one day we all can love ourselves more than we ever thought we could.