26 Ways To Thank Your Soul Sister


1. With food.

2. Caress their face.

3. Cover them while they nap.

4. Slap their butt.

5. Make their bed.

6. Cook them dinner.

7. Do the dishes when they cook you dinner.

8. Surprise them with coffee.

9. Tell them they look hot, always.

10. Tell them he doesn’t deserve them anyway.

11. Tell them she wasn’t good enough for them anyway.

12. Ben

13. Jerry

14. Queso

15. Put advil next to their bed when they’re hungover.

16. Tell them they’re gonna ace their exam.

17. Cry with them when they fail their exam.

18. Let them sleep in your bed even though theirs is 7 feet away.

19. Salsa and Chips.

20. Spontaneous ice cream trips.

21. Get. The. Shoes.

22. Queso.

23. Don’t forget the chips.

24. Actually say Thank You.

25. In person.

26. For saving your ass on a daily basis.