Shahida Arabi

Shahida is a graduate of Harvard University and Columbia University. She is a published researcher and author of Power: Surviving and Thriving After Narcissistic Abuse and Breaking Trauma Bonds with Narcissists and Psychopaths. Her books have been translated into 16+ languages all over the world. For more inspiration and insight on manipulation and red flags, follow her on Instagram here.

5 Things You Don’t Realize He’s Doing Because He’s A Narcissist

Perhaps you make excuses for his hot and cold treatment of you, but deep down you know there is something terribly wrong. He might subject you to cruel insults, overt and covert put-downs and even gaslight you into believing that you’re losing your mind. The person he’s acting like now bears little to no resemblance to the person he presented himself to be in the beginning.

The Liminal Space Between Heartbreak And Healing: 7 Steps To Get Out Of Emotional Limbo

This is the numbness you feel right after a breakup. It’s the frozen terror you feel when you receive bad news. It’s the shock that hasn’t worn off a tragedy. The liminal space is the unprocessed aftermath of trauma. It is emotional limbo. It demands some sort of movement, yet to move forward feels achingly wrong. To be in this sort of transitional space can potentially be transformative, if you know how to make use of your journey before you step over the threshold.